Saturday, July 5, 2008

Texas central appraisal district practices

This was forwarded to my attention and this is important information for property owners in Texas.

Tom Pauken who was appointed by Governor Perry to chair the Property Tax Reform Committee a couple years ago, penned the initial blog regarding his father's Appraisal Review Board hearing.

Many of you have experienced similar treatment from our CAD. Many firmly believe they train one another statewide, and have huge pressure to maximize revenue, through higher appraisals. The system is highly flawed, and full of bureaucrats that have way too much power.

Thomas Jefferson would NOT approve. Taxation is Oppression!

"It flat wears me out to read the communist blather put forth by the people who believe taxes are just super fantastic! We just aren't paying enough, and appraisals are too low.We must punish those selfish property owners, who have been getting away with low taxes all these years!" To go along with this Speaker Tom Craddick has just appointed Rep. Dan Branch (R-Dallas) to the Legislative Budget Board. This is the same Rep. Dan Branch who has stated publicly that "TEXANS ARE UNDER TAXED". Yes, folks Rep. Branch feels that we don't pay enough taxes in Texas to fund governmental operations, etc. Rep. Branch must be a rich man! If the folks in Dallas keeping electing tax and spend guys like this - we all will suffer. Conservative - Rep. Branch has not one clue as to the meaning.

You can access Mr. Pauken's comments at the following:

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