Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fashion show with junior high boys as models

What language do they speak at Spring Branch ISD?

The language of wasteful love. Back on May 1 the Houston Chronicle breathlessly reported that the school district was facing insolvency! No more money! Children would go uneducated! Teachers unpaid! Administrators without enlarged expense accounts!

But never fear, France is near. Just over a month later, the very same Chronicle crack reporter did a puff-piece about how Spring Branch ISD was holding a “free summer camp focused on France.” The story began with this priceless gem: “A boy’s fashion show was one of the highlights of the Spring Branch school district’s first ever French summer camp designed for students entering sixth and seventh grades in the fall.” Yes, you did read that right: The same school district claiming to be broke can host a free French camp, featuring a fashion show. A fashion show with junior high boys as the models.

What would the defenders of the Alamo think?

But all is right with the world, because the school district hosted this ridiculous event with a $3,500 grant from the government of France and $1,100 from the local coffers. Taxpayers on both sides of the Atlantic should be fuming mad about this silliness. For their next feat of stunning wasteful excess, edu-crats in Spring Branch will conjure the spirit of Marie Antoinette and serve only cake on the lunch menu come fall.

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