Thursday, February 3, 2011

Harry Reid: Obama Should 'Back Off' on Earmark Ban

Obama appears to have heard the people; however, Senator Reid still sees no issue with earmarks. Matter of fact he stated that earmarks will not increase government spending. In his 'little' brain he believes earmarks are a fine way to spend taxpayer funds. He fails to get that if you stop spending period then maybe you might be able to stop the runaway train. The folks in Nevada have a real winner speaking on their behalf.

"President Obama stressed earmark elimination in his State of the Union address Tuesday night, but the message didn't hit home with one of his closest allies, Harry Reid.

In an interview with "NBC Nightly News," the Senate majority leader said Obama should "back off" on the idea.

Reid called Obama's statement that he would veto any legislation sent to him with earmarks included an "applause line" and "absolutely wrong. . . . The president has enough power; he should back off and let us do what we do.

"Specifically, that means he and other lawmakers "have a constitutional obligation to do congressionally directed spending. I know much more about what's needed in Elko, Nevada . . . than some bureaucrat back" in Washington. "Short term, [the president] may win this battle, but it's going to be short term. This is a line he's been flinging out for a long time. It means nothing to [reduce] the debt."

The Nevada Democrat said banning earmarks doesn't save the cash-strapped government money because the funds will be spent regardless -- earmarks simply direct them.

He also said opposing the president won't cause a rift between himself and a political ally. "He's been around a while, I've been around a while. Just because he's wrong on this doesn't mean he's not right on most everything else. . . . Banning earmarks hurts people who are in need, whether it's a university, a city, a struggling business of some kind. These are the kinds of things that we are obligated to try to help. . . We have three branches of government, and I don't want the executive branch messing with my territory." "

Tom Kavanagh
Morning Editor - Politics Daily AOL

1 comment:

hornsfan said...

Re: ". . . I don't want the executive branch messing with my territory". ---Harry Reid

There's where you are SO wrong, Harry.

It is the People's House, the People's Money and the People's NATION! We don't want you messing with them, but you continue to do so. In two years, we will relieve ourselves and you of the President you think so highly of, and we'll also elect people who will follow the law and the Constitution, unlike you, Harry. Then we will replace you with a real leader in the Senate, and you will return to being a nobody whom nobody notices. Its been a long time coming, Harry, but you richly deserve your fall from power. Most Americans will simply wave you and your president goodbye, but be assured that many will also remember that you two made a real attempt to damage this great nation, before we caught on to your plans.

Finally, Harry, you and your president will have a legacy, but not the one you hoped for. We will remember that neither of you could be truthful.
