Thursday, March 12, 2009

Look before you leap

On March 2, 1836 a group of men gathered at Washington-on-Brazos to declare Texas independent from Mexico. March 2nd is now a state holiday celebrated every year in Texas. The unanimous declaration began by noting the cause of independence: that the Mexican government had “ceased to protect the lives, liberty and property of the people.”

They noted the grievances caused by a “corrupt, and tyrannical government” that had given rise to the “hazardous but unavoidable” revolution, noting they had reached the point at which “forbearance ceases to be a virtue.”

"The necessity of self-preservation, therefore, now decrees our eternal political separation."

Let us look at leaping today in our cause for independence once again: that the United States government has "ceased to protect the lives, liberty and property of the people."

Noted grievances today include a corrupt, and tyrannical government that has displaced the rights of states and its people. Thus, a hazardous but unavoidable revolt against our own federal government that has become a tyrant regardless of party in control. This nation and this Republic of Texas were born and created with the basic idea of individual rights. Our federal government continues to trample and belittle the rights of the individual for favor of 'the government knows best'. Thus "forbearance ceases to be a virtue."

Look before you leap has arrived. Our forefathers fought for individual rights and we must do the same today. We must fight on many fronts: city, county, ISDs, special districts, state, and federal. The tyrants are well aware of the many fronts we must fight, and they will do their best to tire us out. There is no option for us as individuals we must prevail in order to protect our basic individual rights!

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