Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Texas Rep. Charlie Howard of Sugar Land

said he was "disappointed" with the taxing entity’s decision to raise taxes. Rep. Howard called into question the wasteful spending decisions of the board. He was praised for holding those in power accountable for their wasteful spending decisions.

Our school taxes are enormous, despite the teeny break we received from the Tex. Leg. last year. Our school board continues to spend, spend, spend on nothing but new schools, illegal aliens, and football stadiums. I am fed up!!! This seems to be a statewide epidemic. Property taxpayers are responsible for the accountability of their locally elected officials.


Diane D said...

Well it has happened. The Libertarian party of Texas has filed suit to keep John McCain and Barak Obama off the ballot in Texas. Lets see if Texas law will bend or break for these criminals.

outsider said...

I checked this out. It seems that both parties missed the deadline for filling to be on the ballot. If they are on the ballot in texas they have broken state election laws. Iguess now anyone can get on the ballot even though the deadline has past. Call Ralph Nader he might still want on.