Saturday, October 30, 2010


This listener and 'tube' watcher has been listening and watching all the political prophets deliver their prophecy with regards to November 2, 2010, and at best I think these folks get paid a lot of money to deliver a truck load of manure. No one knows nor has a clue as to how voters think on the day they actually cast their votes. Oops, it looks like someone forgot to scoop some of that manure into the truck watch were you step.

Regardless of what you support let your vote be counted. Apathy is what got us here, and participation is what will get us out of the quicksand.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Residency standoff

Been traveling and have had limited access to the wired world. I read the response from one about an employer not being able to require residency as a job requirement. Texas is an AT-Will employment state which translates into PISD as an employer can require you to reside within the boundaries of the PISD as a condition for employment. By the way this applies to all jobs within the PISD! Teachers, janitors, and administrators can all be required to live within the district as a condition of employment. The DISD is struggling with the residency issue at this time, and legally (upheld in court) the DISD can require employees to live within the boundary lines of the school district as a condition for continued employment.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Warning Warning Warning Warning

Gave you the heads up months ago about schools needing more funds due to the fact they can't seem to find ways to cut expenses. School districts in Texas have found them a 'city slicker' who has now floated the idea of a STATEWIDE PROPERTY TAX. Get ready folks they want more of your money to spend on athletic stadiums, fancy gyms, etc. You read the one about Allen ISD building a new $60 million stadium with an indoor golf practice facility. If you are a property owner get ready for the fight of your life!,0&plckOnPage=2&plckItemsPerPage=25&plckSort=TimeStampDescending#pluck_comments_list

SHUT'UM DOWN now before you go broke trying to fix an unfixable Texas education system.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Big hair v. no hair

Rick Perry v. Bill White

The race is on for Texas Governor and one candidate has hair and one has no hair. Not real sure if having hair is qualification for the post. Throw the hair thing out the window and look at who is backing each candidate. Perry has some large donors and he has a great deal of small donors who are providing money for his campaign. White has received most of his contributions from trial lawyers and unions. Trial lawyers make more money if they can stay in the courthouse longer for their clients and have chances out be jury awards. This is not good for anyone except the trial lawyers. Unions contribute because they want to change Texas from being a 'right to work' state. They want all to become a member of a union. Don't see much good in belonging to a group that gets rich off my weekly check.

Truthfully I don't like either candidate! The lesser of the two evils this time around is Perry. I said the same thing last time around about Chris Bell and he got beat. The voters will speak so make sure you do your part.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Guilty verdict

One could say that justice in China is somewhat successful in that 9 in 10 chance that a criminal prosecution results in a guilty verdict. Wonder if we keeps such stats in the U.S.?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

$12.3 million lost

Hallsville ISD seems to have misplaced $12.3 million dollars and according to an article in the Longview News-Journal the Superintendent has no clue as to where the money has gone. Superintendent Wright blames the former Finance Director for the misplaced funds and leaving the district with a $3.8 million deficit when the district closed its books in August 2010. The hunt for the missing funds is currently under investigation by the district.

Ironic is a piece in the same paper that addresses schools in Texas could lose millions in state funding. Seems to reason that if you can't keep up with small change like $12.3 million then why should the taxpayer provide additional funds that could become unaccounted.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Immigration facts

According to a recent report by columnist Edward Schumacher-Matos it was stated that "unauthorized immigrants are probably a net burden on taxpayers in the short term. Economists overwhelmingly agree that the unauthorized contribute to the nation's economic growth thus leading to more income for most Americans."

This does not require the U.S. to allow illegal immigration. Milton Friedman noted, you can't have open borders and hope to maintain generous government benefits for your citizens. The question has become are illegal immigrants getting more than they deserve in the form of government benefits.

In a study conducted by the National Research Council in 1997 it found that an immigrant high school dropout received $89,000 more in services than he paid in taxes in his life. An immigrant with some college gave $105,000 more than he got. "The high school graduates that were left were slightly profitable for the government."

Federal law passed in 1996 cut almost all benefits to unauthorized immigrants. The Center for Immigration Studies acknowledged that the average undocumented household in 2002 received 46% less in federal benefits.

The problem goes away if the U. S. will take the time to secure the borders!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

PISD news

Leave town for two weeks catching up on the news in the local rag, and behold it happens again. What is it with this bunch? Are they absolutely afraid of an individual with NEW ideas?

PISD school board appoints a retread! Another previous board member has been appointed to fill the vacant seat. Twi-light Super and PISD board president must be afraid of an individual who will and can come forth with NEW ideas. Last I looked there were no requirements for being a school board member except for the fact the voters had to like you. Voters did not get a chance in this case to cast a vote.

Be on the look out for a proposed bond election. The retread sided with the bond proponents in all previous bond discussions and elections from what I gather at the local coffee shop round table.

On another note about local schools.......the Daingerfield Lone Star ISD recently fired their superintendent. According to the news on the radio station he failed to move into and live in the district. Where does PISD Twi-light Super live? Daingerfield which is not in the PISD district. Twi-light Super's former job is open, perhaps she should work where she lives!