Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Our government and the handouts
Inmates get $9 million in homebuyer tax credits, and 200 of the 1295 were serving life sentences. Who is responsible for such? It is hard to believe that an inmate has the need to file a tax return. However, there might be a law on the books that requires all regardless of location to file a return.
Minimum number of children under 18 who have received first-time homebuyer tax credits from the IRS since 2008 : 582
Other notes of interest................
Amount NYC Mayor Bloomberg's foundation deposited in Caribbean tax shelters in 2008: $288,000,000
(Is he not a Democrat?)
Number of the 251 largest U.S. cities in which immigrants hold more white-collar jobs than blue-collar jobs: 14
Number of states that currently ban involuntary implanting of microchips into a person's body: 4
(if relocating one might want to reconsider the other 46)
And now that it is HOT.................
Percentage of Americans in 1973 who considered AC a 'necessity': 26%
Percentage of Americans in 2006 who considered AC a 'necessity': 70%
Have we become lazy?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
A standing ovation
The rest of the story................Mexico has now challenged the Arizona immigration law in a federal court in Arizona. What rights are afforded Mexico under our U.S. Constitution to the country of Mexico with regards to laws passed by our states? I need an expert to come forth and explain such. Mexico basis its argument on the country's (Mexico) own interests and citizens' rights are at stake. I was unaware that a Mexican citizen had any rights within the U.S.; therefore, how is it possible their rights are at stake? Mexico feels the law passed by Arizona is unconstitutional. Texas should have demanded Santa Anna deed Mexico to Texas when they had the chance!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Majority minority
According to a recent Wall Street Journal article whites are on the verge of becoming a minority among new born children in the U.S. Is this considered a demographic shift? Will this reshape politics in the U.S.?
It is stated that minority births will soon eclipse births of whites of European ancestry. It appears our English heritage is on the decline in the U.S. We all know that immigration has emerged as one of the nation's most controversial issues. You read the new Arizona law?
How are we arriving at this so called majority minority future? It appears the median age of the white population is older than that of nonwhites. A larger share of minority women are in prime child bearing years. It appears that from recent studies white women are having fewer children if having children at all. Another study indicates that we are having a great deal more multiracial births.
Many believe illegal immigration is the reason for the majority minority future. Is it possible? The Hispanic population produced approximately nine births for every one death, compared with a approximately one-to-one ratio for whites. According to a recent study most of the Hispanic births are from legal immigrants, and this would indicate that illegal immigration is not the driving factor behind our nation's growing diversity. It appears we become more like Europe each and every day.
In an interesting side note one of the individuals interviewed stated he remembered being perplexed when an elementary school teacher made him throw away the remainders of his cafeteria lunch instead of bringing it home. This would have been a wasteful move in his native Philippines. The individual is now a citizen of the U.S. and is the owner of a small business that creates jobs in the North Carolina area.
Majority minority is it on the way?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
There is no requirement to be a US citizen
Have you ever wondered how Social Security works? It’s actually a somewhat complex system established by the 1935 Social Security Act due in part to the Great Depression. President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted the Federal Government to assist the elderly during their retirement years and establish aid for the disabled and survivors benefits for spouses and children of deceased workers. Before Social Security, care and monetary funding for these individuals was up to the states, local communities and family members.
When the Great Depression hit, it was literally impossible for many families and local outreach programs to continue to render assistance as the economic crisis penetrated all areas of life and work for over a decade. Thus, FDR set up by executive order, a commission to investigate the social impact on Americans by the Depression and it was the findings that lead the President to ask Congress to create a program to help the elderly, disabled and survivors of deceased workers.
Social Security is a program not based upon the needs of the participants but rather how much and how long the participants pay into the system. Eligibility for benefits upon retirement includes a few factors:
1) Age – individuals must be 62 years old or older to receive retirement benefits
2) Length of employment – individuals must have worked for at least 40 quarters (over the life of their work experience) and paid into Social Security through payroll deductions (or on their own if self-employed)
3) There is no requirement to be a US citizen
4) Disability benefits eligibility is based upon a determination by the Social Security system along with the above listed qualifications (except for disability applicants under the age of 18).
Social Security is funded through specific payroll taxes deducted from the employees’ paycheck. The Employer matches the amount paid by the employee. If you look at your pay-stub, you will find under deductions something called “FICA” (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) that is actually a combined payroll tax amount for both Social Security and Medicare. The premise of this funding is that the current work force is paying the current retirement group.
The breakdown or distribution of the payroll tax that goes into Social Security is as follows:
A) Retirement and Survivors Tax – 10.6% (5.3% from employee & 5.3% from employer). This amount goes into the Old-Age and Survivor’s Trust fund
B) Disability Tax – 1.8% (0.9% from employee & 0.9% from employer). This amount goes into the Disability Insurance Trust Fund
The remaining payroll tax collected, approximately 2.9% total from both employee and employer, is allocated to Medicare; a separate program from Social Security.
As a retiree, an individual may earn up to $25,000.00 without having to pay income tax on their Social Security. If the person makes from $25,000 to $34,000 and files their tax status as ‘individual’, they will pay income tax on 50% of their Social Security benefits. Should they make over $34,000 in a tax year, the individual filer will pay income tax on 85% of their Social Security retirement income.
And there you have it, a brief overview of the Social Security program. The need for a safe and stable monetary support for the elderly, the disabled and survivors of deceased workers came about during a horrific economic crisis and continues to help millions of Americans every year. It’s estimated that even with the Social Security program, 10 out of every 100 retiree’s live in poverty.
Friday, June 18, 2010
On the dole
In the 3rd quarter of 2008, approximately 45% of U.S. residents lived in households in which at least one individual received government benefits, such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. This is according to data from your U.S. Census Bureau.
33.6 million households received Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits.
30.8 million households received Medicare benefits.
28.4 million households received cash or non-cash means-tested benefits - benefits from programs that provide cash or services to people who meet a test of need based on income and assets.
21.1 million households received Medicaid benefits.
9.3 million households received food stamps.
Then came the stimulus funds...........................
Now your pocket book should feel much lite!
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "Economic Characteristics of Households in the United States: Third Quarter 2008," April 15, www.census.gov
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Brainwashing newly elected ISD board members
The new school board members are being trained to support the wishes of the hired help. "Plano ISD board members were lectured at a training run by Don McAdams of the Center for Reform of School Systems (http://www.crss.org/) on how to vote unanimously on controversial issues and were told that they are there to support the Superintendent's goals." If you are a voter and you voted for change then you most likely voted to make a change possibly by displacing the Superintendent. Mr. McAdams is out slapping the voters in the face with his 'go along to get along' new board member curriculum. Your taxpayer dollars are funding this training for your newly elected board members. So you get a slap on each cheek!
Former Dallas ISD Board Member Ron Price said in the article, "It's a great program to train boards how to be a rubber stamp. But it's not a good program for board members to represent your constituents."
Remind your school board members that they are there to represent the interests of the parents, students and tax payers - not the interests of educrats! If representing the educrats was the goal then our state formers and framers would not have insisted the need to have a locally elected school board. Your tax dollars need to be represented by the people you elect and not the bureaucratic hired hands.
Monday, June 7, 2010
On this day June 7, 2010
As the years went by I continued to be a casual observer of his actions. There were a number of times that I did not agree with his opinions, beliefs, causes, etc. However, I always knew where the Patriot stood! He had a desire for correctness and this desire drove his action. I came to understand through various coffee shop round tales that many did not always agree with the Patriot; however, his actions were respected.
Many would say he was not very well liked; however, show me someone who truly believes in their passion and you will hear similar comments. He lived life LARGE and he could be over bearing at times; however, in that short time we had to visit I came away with the feeling that he had a kind and compassionate heart. This could very well be the case for this Patriot in that many did not agree nor like his actions at times, but many respected the Patriot for stepping up to defend his causes. If more displayed the same then this country may not be in the downward spiral away from capitalism that we find ourselves in today.
The thing that saddens this writer the most is the two young children who were a part of his family. The village must continue to care and nurture to their needs in the now absence of their father. May the children have fond memories of the short time they were given to share with their father on this earth. Pray for these children and the spouse that God will nurture, protect, and continue to guide them as they pursue the new path and challenges that will come before them as they continue in life. Hail to Mr. Richardson a true Tea Party Patriot.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Systems of education
–Noah Webster, On Education of Youth in America, 1790