Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tea party and the rise of the right

Samuel Adams was the original Boston Tea Party ringleader. Mr. Adams (the same who has a brewery named for him) believed he needed only "an irate, tireless minority" to prevail.

Are you irate and a part of the tireless minority? If so then you most likely lean to the right with regards to political thought. Based on political ideology it is almost impossible for a Democrat to be considered a player in the Tea Party. Why?

Democrats dream of bipartisanship and a world in which everyone plays nicely. If this were the case then China, India, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, North Korea, etc. would all be in attendance having afternoon tea. Do you really think they have an interest in having a cup of tea with the United States? Did the King of England invite the colonist to afternoon tea to discuss bipartisanship?

Grassroots are sprouting in the United States and neither Democratic or Republican members of Congress have been invited to the Tea Party gathering. Many are trying their best to gain an invite; however, invitations are like Super Bowl tickets they are hard to come by.

John Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" was an attempt to form a Tea Party for our friends from the left, but it was a failure in its attempt to make the "Magic Middle" theory work. The "Magic Middle" theory belongs to one other than I. Please forgive me, but I have been unable to find the individual to who I should pay credit.

It is true that policy decisions are driven by people who show up and thus Tea Party players have decided to show up for tea. Over the last forty years American politics has seen the rise of the right more so than a rise of the left. More red than blue, and it appears with the latest Census figures even more red is upon the drawing board when election boundaries are redrawn in the near future. Forget Democrats and Republicans perhaps you should be looking for the next available seat at the Tea Party. Better yet, Mr. Adams may offer you a sample of his special blend.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Odds and ends

In a recent poll reported on one of the 24 hour news shows it was reported that 54% of Americans say government programs don't help their families. That leaves 46% receiving assistance in some form.

Reconcile that statement with portion of American families that received federal benefits in the past two years is at 7 out of 10. Unless I mis-figured this is 70%.

$224,712.00 is the amount the state of California spent last year on each minor in its juvenile-detention system. The amount spent on each student in the Oakland public school system was $4,945.00. Wonder if the juvenile in detention learned anything?

Sunday, December 26, 2010


It is 3:30 AM and not being able to sleep I decided to contemplate on the Dream Act..............

Perhaps most if not all have read a little about the Dream Act since the lame duck Congress decided to take up the issue before terms ended this month. What thoughts do you have with regards to the Dream Act? Don't want to say I am soft, but I also don't want to admit I fail to see the oppositions point of view. One should always enter life each day with an open mind in order to allow for learning.

Many many years ago our Founding Fathers did their best to establish a country ruled in a God-fearing way by representatives of the people. Newcomers from other countries who were willing to be governed by its Constitution and Bill of Rights were welcomed. Over the years, people risked their lives to enter and they came in droves legally. The issue before us today concerns those who came in droves illegally. Now, the divergence of political thinking is causing much turmoil and confusion for the populace.

Yes it is true that many of the children the Dream Act addresses are here without fault of their own. And it is true our system failed to check their tickets before they boarded the bus along with sticking it's head in the sand once they arrived. Fault in some way seems to rest with many.

Is it reasonable to deport an individual that was acclimated here as a young child and completed his or her education within our system with great success? This is a tough question to answer. I agree with NO AMNESTY, and that we owe nothing for their illegal entry. However, there must be another way for those already here who are not criminals, have something to offer that we need, and willing to be governed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, etc. to achieve the dream they have been living and to continue living that dream in a legal manner. The Dream Act in its present form is not acceptable; however, I believe common ground can be found that all can happily live with and afford the continued dream for many.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Noah today

Sure many have seen this floating around, but it is worth a thought!

In the year 2008, the Lord came unto Noah, who was now living in England and said:

"Once again, the earth has become wicked and over populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me. Build another ark and save two of every living thing along with a few good humans."

He gave Noah the blueprints, saying: "You have six months to build the ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights."

Six months pass, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard and there was no ark. "Noah! He roared, I'm about to start the rain! Where is the ark?"

Forgive me, Lord, begged Noah, but things have changed.


I've been arguing with the boat inspector about the need for a sprinkler system. My neighbors claim that I've violated the neighbourhood By-Laws by building the ark in my backyard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the local planning committee for a decision. Then the local council and electricity company demanded a shed load of money for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the ark move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it. Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the Greater Spotted Barn Owl. I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls - but it was a no go!.

When I started gathering the animals the RSPCA took me to court. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They argued the accommodations were too restrictive, and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space.

Then the Environmental Agency ruled that I couldn't build the ark until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on your proposed flood. I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew. Immigration is checking the visa status of most of the people who want to work. The trade unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with ark building experience. To make matters worse, the Inland Revenue seized all my assets, claiming I'm trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species.

Forgive me, Lord, however, it appears it will take at least ten years for me to finish the ark. Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow stretched across the sky.

Noah looked up in wonder and asked, "you mean you're not going to destroy the world?"

"No," said the Lord.

"It appears the Government beat me to it."

Monday, December 20, 2010

Fund balance

Based upon stories read in the local rag it appears the PISD is trying to rid the money it saved for a rainy day via the fund balance. The rainy day may take place after the state legislature finalizes the 2011-2014 budgets. It appears that nothing will be spared when the gathering takes place in Austin in January.

If the big metro rags are reporting correctly it appears Texas will have 22,000 less teachers on the payroll in future budget years and school consolidation will be on the table as a cost saving idea. One would be willing to bet school administration personnel will be fighting this idea. Don't really look for school consolidation to happen; however, it could make for some interesting debate.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Numbers and trends

The number of those aged 18 to 34 living with parents increased by 2.2 million from 2005 to 2009, reaching 20.3 million, the highest number in 25-plus years, according to the Census Bureau.

Home ownership fell to 66.9% which is down 1.6% since the beginning of 2006 and it is projected to keep falling. 1.6% translates to 3.4 million households!

Immigrant renters whose population growth has grown excessively since 2006 will help shape the next decade with regards to housing households.

Generation Y - those between the ages of 18 and 34 total approximately 77.4 million and this is larger than the baby boomers, which number about 76.2 million.

Generation Y stays in what demographers call 'emerging adulthood' for longer periods of time than its predecessors.

For the first time in more than a century, more than half of those aged 25 to 34 have never been married, according to the Council on Contemporary Families.

Birth rates continue to trend downward according to the U.S. Census.

Another trend indicates that more families are taking in older relatives into their households.

Vast majority of seniors prefer to age in place.

There are many more multi-generational households today than at any time in the past 60 years, a trend driven by immigration.

Minority households aged 35 to 44 had an average of 3.2 people per household compared to 2.6 for whites. Average number of children per minority household is 1.1, versus just 0.6 per white household. These numbers are from the Harvard Joint Center.

It appears immigration will drive future population growth here in the United States.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jefferson's philosophy on debt

Jefferson attained his philosophy on debt 'first hand' through life and the experience of daily living. Through Martha (wife) he inherited some 11,000 acres of land and 135 slaves. This added to the 5,000 acres and 50 slaves that he inherited from the death of his mother. The 16,000 acres made Jefferson one the largest landowners in Virginia.

The property he inherited from his wife came with 'baggage' called debt. His father-in-law's was asset rich and cash poor. Due to the debt associated with the estate of his dear wife - by the end of his life, he would be over $100,000 in the hole. The debts enraged Jefferson. Indebtedness threatened him with loss of control, and the fear associated with such debt played heavy on Jefferson. He was humiliated at the thought of bowing the knee to creditors, money lenders, merchants who ran a tab on his behalf, and importers who supplied his needs.

In Jefferson's mind, only a nation of those who owned enough property to support themselves without dependence could really create a republic. Due to life experiences Jefferson despised debt. This belief caused Jefferson conflict with his chosen party the Federalists. Thus the formation of the Democratic-Republicans, led by Jefferson and Madison. Elected president in 1800 the Democratic Jeffersonian ideas about debt were applied to our nation based upon Jefferson's history with his own problems associated with indebtedness.

Wonder what opinions Jefferson would have to day? Most likely he would experience a migraine!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Conservative supporters need your help

More than 5,300 Texans have now signed a letter calling on members of the Texas House to elect a conservative as the state's third-ranking constitutional officer!

The signatories include 132 tea party organizers, Republican leaders and conservative movement activists, and more than 5,200 individual Texans. They come from all regions of the state, and are united in wanting the Texas House led by a conservative.

If you fill the need to participate then access and sign the letter:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pencils, pens, and crayons

1/3 of all pencils, pens, and crayons sold last year were manufactured in China.

On the positive side that means 2/3 of production was in lesser developed countries for no production is believe to have take place in the United States of such items.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cost benefit ratio

Anyone know the percentage change in reading scores for public-school fourth graders since No Child Left Behind became law?


All that money and so little to show for it in the form of enhanced results.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving is a time

On a daily basis, I am reminded of the big - and little - things for which I am thankful. A loving and phenomenal family, wonderful friends, good health, and the opportunity to serve others.

Thanksgiving affords us the chance to take a moment from our busy lives. It is a time to reflect on what's important and thank others for what they have brought to our lives. As we prepare for the holiday, I want to give thanks to all the many blessings that have been afforded me in my daily life.

May your Thanksgiving Day be blessed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

4 in 10

The Pew Research Center recently released research that indicates we have a new definition for family in the United States. Family in the past has consisted of a marriage between man and woman. The new research shows that family no longer consist of a marriage. That same research suggest that 40% of Americans now see marriage as outdated, obsolete, no longer needed, etc.

1 in 3 American children is living with a parent who is divorced, separated or never married. Many Americans are now accepting of the view that marriage is not required to have a family. The notion of American family is changing.

29% of children under the age of 18 live with a parent or parents who are unwed or no longer married. In 1960 the number was less than 4%.

In September the U.S. Census Bureau released some preliminary data and the data showed marriages hit an all-time low of 52% for adults 18 and over.

One researcher stated that "Now there are several ways to have a successful family life, and more people accept them." These changing views of family life are being driven by young adults 18 - 29. It appears young adults have a more liberal attitude with regards to spousal roles and living together before marriage. They fully support the idea of a trial marriage in the form of living together for a period of time.

Moral compass appears to be off and we stray further off course as we continue to wonder what happened to American society as we once knew it. Rural values are lost as the big cities continue to expand their reach into rural lands. Kind of reminds me of the 'hippie' days. What happened to Ward and June Cleaver?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Alice in wonderland

Most of you have probably read the classic novel Alice In Wonderland. At the very least you may have seen the video along with your children. You remember the rabbit? He fell down in a hole. It appears that the hole has swallowed us all. Here is a list of crazy things in the news:

1) San Francisco is considering banning circumcision (is this the same folks who banned Happy Meals?)

2) If you don't support Joe Straus for Texas House Speaker you are Anti-Semitic.

3) It is okay for the TSA to fondle innocent citizens rather than profiling terrorist.

4) 4 in 10 Americans say marriage is obsolete.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Educrats fire up the engines

With a looming budget shortfall certain to challenge legislative budget writers, special interests are lining up claiming they have cut to the bone and need additional funding.

First in line appears to be the education lobby.

The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) and the Equity Center have each recently claimed that more education money is needed and that the public is happy to fork it over. TASB commissioned a poll claiming most Texans want more money for education and are willing to support a tax increase for smaller class sizes and higher teacher pay.

Granted, if we asked Texans, “Do you think we should raise taxes to hire more administrators at six-figure salaries?” we would likely get a different answer.

And currently,Texas schools average 7.3 students per staffer and 14.4 students per teacher.

The TASB commissioned poll is available at their website.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 2, 2010 has come and gone

I hope you did your part on November 2, 2010 and if you failed to go to the polls then keep your opinions to yourself. If you did not participate in the election then you failed to earn the privilege to express your opinions.

Local races went about as expected.

Races for state offices produced some major surprises. The state House of Representatives will be vastly different when it comes to order in January 2011. Republican candidates won in some previously well known Democratic districts. Several Republican Hispanic members join the ranks of the Texas House delegation. I would look for the budget to be reduced in a 'major' way, Arizona Immigration Law is on the table, Voter ID is back, no new taxes (this does not include increasing user fees), and school choice will be in play. For those folks who thought enhanced gaming was coming to Texas - FORGET IT.

As to the National scene one can only say the landscape has changed in a major way with regards to the U.S. Congressional House of Representatives. Even in Texas most if not all the Blue Dog Democrats lost their seats. Stalemate and compromise will be the order of business within the beltway over the next two years.

Changing the leadership in our country means more than simply winning arguments or winning elections. Real leadership must determine how best to change how our leaders think about the Constitution. How they think about economic growth, and about issues with regards to war and peace. Real leaders should not spend time bashing Obama and the minority party. It is a waste of time! Real leaders will quickly move forward to accomplish the people's business of getting Americans back to work, and moving the country back to the front of the bus.

In these unprecedented times for our country the new leadership must determine how to cultivate leaders who truly appreciate the ideals that made America great, and how will work towards restoring America's greatness over the long haul.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2, 2010

Cast your ballot today. Apathy destroys democracy and capitalism! Don't play into the hands of those who want a government run society.

Both parties contain folks who are bad for the vision our founding fathers sought, so know the background of the individuals who you intend to put in office. Do these individuals represent what our founding fathers envisioned for this new country? In one particular race I will hold my nose as I cast a vote for an individual I dislike; however, the individual best represents what our founding fathers intended.

Monday, November 1, 2010

In their own best interest

Chicago Tribune writer Steve Chapman said it best with regards to the redrawing of Congressional district boundary lines. He states that the boundary lines are redrawn to benefit those who are currently in office regardless of party holding the seat. "It works. In the U.S. House of Representatives, over the past five elections, incumbents have been re-elected at an average rate of 96 percent. According to my unscientific calculations, a congressman is more likely to be eaten by a polar bear while panning for gold in Key West than to be voted out of office."

Will November 2 show the same outcome? Perhaps this time a congressman will be panning for gold in Key West and a polar bear might be present in the same stream!

Let your silent voice be heard on November 2, 2010. Get out of the house and GO VOTE. It is your country and you are responsible for the people you put in office. Yes, if you do not vote then you are just as much responsible for the outcome as those that do vote.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


This listener and 'tube' watcher has been listening and watching all the political prophets deliver their prophecy with regards to November 2, 2010, and at best I think these folks get paid a lot of money to deliver a truck load of manure. No one knows nor has a clue as to how voters think on the day they actually cast their votes. Oops, it looks like someone forgot to scoop some of that manure into the truck watch were you step.

Regardless of what you support let your vote be counted. Apathy is what got us here, and participation is what will get us out of the quicksand.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Residency standoff

Been traveling and have had limited access to the wired world. I read the response from one about an employer not being able to require residency as a job requirement. Texas is an AT-Will employment state which translates into PISD as an employer can require you to reside within the boundaries of the PISD as a condition for employment. By the way this applies to all jobs within the PISD! Teachers, janitors, and administrators can all be required to live within the district as a condition of employment. The DISD is struggling with the residency issue at this time, and legally (upheld in court) the DISD can require employees to live within the boundary lines of the school district as a condition for continued employment.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Warning Warning Warning Warning

Gave you the heads up months ago about schools needing more funds due to the fact they can't seem to find ways to cut expenses. School districts in Texas have found them a 'city slicker' who has now floated the idea of a STATEWIDE PROPERTY TAX. Get ready folks they want more of your money to spend on athletic stadiums, fancy gyms, etc. You read the one about Allen ISD building a new $60 million stadium with an indoor golf practice facility. If you are a property owner get ready for the fight of your life!,0&plckOnPage=2&plckItemsPerPage=25&plckSort=TimeStampDescending#pluck_comments_list

SHUT'UM DOWN now before you go broke trying to fix an unfixable Texas education system.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Big hair v. no hair

Rick Perry v. Bill White

The race is on for Texas Governor and one candidate has hair and one has no hair. Not real sure if having hair is qualification for the post. Throw the hair thing out the window and look at who is backing each candidate. Perry has some large donors and he has a great deal of small donors who are providing money for his campaign. White has received most of his contributions from trial lawyers and unions. Trial lawyers make more money if they can stay in the courthouse longer for their clients and have chances out be jury awards. This is not good for anyone except the trial lawyers. Unions contribute because they want to change Texas from being a 'right to work' state. They want all to become a member of a union. Don't see much good in belonging to a group that gets rich off my weekly check.

Truthfully I don't like either candidate! The lesser of the two evils this time around is Perry. I said the same thing last time around about Chris Bell and he got beat. The voters will speak so make sure you do your part.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Guilty verdict

One could say that justice in China is somewhat successful in that 9 in 10 chance that a criminal prosecution results in a guilty verdict. Wonder if we keeps such stats in the U.S.?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

$12.3 million lost

Hallsville ISD seems to have misplaced $12.3 million dollars and according to an article in the Longview News-Journal the Superintendent has no clue as to where the money has gone. Superintendent Wright blames the former Finance Director for the misplaced funds and leaving the district with a $3.8 million deficit when the district closed its books in August 2010. The hunt for the missing funds is currently under investigation by the district.

Ironic is a piece in the same paper that addresses schools in Texas could lose millions in state funding. Seems to reason that if you can't keep up with small change like $12.3 million then why should the taxpayer provide additional funds that could become unaccounted.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Immigration facts

According to a recent report by columnist Edward Schumacher-Matos it was stated that "unauthorized immigrants are probably a net burden on taxpayers in the short term. Economists overwhelmingly agree that the unauthorized contribute to the nation's economic growth thus leading to more income for most Americans."

This does not require the U.S. to allow illegal immigration. Milton Friedman noted, you can't have open borders and hope to maintain generous government benefits for your citizens. The question has become are illegal immigrants getting more than they deserve in the form of government benefits.

In a study conducted by the National Research Council in 1997 it found that an immigrant high school dropout received $89,000 more in services than he paid in taxes in his life. An immigrant with some college gave $105,000 more than he got. "The high school graduates that were left were slightly profitable for the government."

Federal law passed in 1996 cut almost all benefits to unauthorized immigrants. The Center for Immigration Studies acknowledged that the average undocumented household in 2002 received 46% less in federal benefits.

The problem goes away if the U. S. will take the time to secure the borders!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

PISD news

Leave town for two weeks catching up on the news in the local rag, and behold it happens again. What is it with this bunch? Are they absolutely afraid of an individual with NEW ideas?

PISD school board appoints a retread! Another previous board member has been appointed to fill the vacant seat. Twi-light Super and PISD board president must be afraid of an individual who will and can come forth with NEW ideas. Last I looked there were no requirements for being a school board member except for the fact the voters had to like you. Voters did not get a chance in this case to cast a vote.

Be on the look out for a proposed bond election. The retread sided with the bond proponents in all previous bond discussions and elections from what I gather at the local coffee shop round table.

On another note about local schools.......the Daingerfield Lone Star ISD recently fired their superintendent. According to the news on the radio station he failed to move into and live in the district. Where does PISD Twi-light Super live? Daingerfield which is not in the PISD district. Twi-light Super's former job is open, perhaps she should work where she lives!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Why CEOs can't stand Obama

Speaks with forked tongue! Passes the buck! Responsible for deficit spending yet he fails to remember he was a member of the Senate. Gosh, the list gets longer........

This excerpt comes to me from several individuals forwarding things back and forth through cyberspace and it hits the nail on head.

"Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democratic Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.

For FY 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets.

And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009.

Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period:

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.

If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is: "I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.""

Friday, September 17, 2010

Health Care Reform Bill

If you are one who favors a 'bronze' body via a tan then you are now paying an additional 10% tax on the opportunity under the new health care reform bill.

In 2011 chain resturants and vending machines must clearly list complete calorie counts for their foods.

In 2016 if you don't have insurance, you'll have to pay $700 or 2.5 percent of your household income, whichever's higher.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Are you in debt

I know most believe that they have their financial house in order; however, every American citizen currently owes more than $42,300.00. Not every citizen is a taxpayer so for all you taxpayers you owe $118,600.00.

Thank you federal government!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You want out of this financial mess

Do something about the employment stupid!

A business owner stated that he will likely be semi-retired by choice from this point on because:

"1) Cost of employees is way up. Workman's Comp, unemployment insurance, etc. Health care insurance costs $4 an hour if workers are young and over $5 per hour if worker is over 50

2) Business regultion. Every purchase over $600 needs a 1099 form, meaning I have to get the adddress and the tax ID of the power company, the insurance company, Office Depot, local hardware store, etc. Last year I was required to produce 4 1099's and this year it will be well over 100.

3) Health Care. I will now have to track where my employees go in the event of HazMat exposure. If I want to redo my offices I have to have certified painters who know how to handle lead.

4) Security. I must have lots more records on my employees keyed to their Social Security numbers, but if somehow I lose my laptop I am a crook.

My reward is: My marginal tax rate jumps in 2011, about 30% more than before. The FICA income limit keeps rising; that is 15% of net for the self-employed on the marginal increase. My risk has gone way up, but the government now takes over half of any marginal increase. It is more benefical for me to fish than to hassel with earning more money and dealing with employees."

Monday, September 6, 2010

Another staff appraiser who does not know the law

From Fort Bend County

It appears another staff appraiser is unaware that a new law was enacted by the legislature in 2009 with regards to including foreclosed property when determining the value of property. The staff appraiser from Fort Bend County CAD was recorded on tape saying that foreclosed property is not included when determining values. The chief appraiser is trying to CYA by saying that foreclosed property is included. However, when you do the math based upon the comparable sales in the area for some reason the CAD increased property values. Imagine That! And you still believe the executive board responsible for running the district and who's members come from the boards of the governmental entities that receive the tax money from the values placed on the property don't instruct the chief appraiser to raise values when they feel they need more property tax revenue?

Come on..............don't let them keep pulling on your leg! Camp County had an increase in taxable value as well for 2010. Just hard to believe that anyone would have an increase in value when the real estate market is in the tank. An individual the other day informed me that they had never seen so much property on the market in Camp County and he has lived here all his adult life. Said Titus County was even worse than Camp for amount of real estate on the market.

"dozen homeowners are suing the Fort Bend County appraisal district for allegedly violating a new state law that mandates foreclosures be included in assessing the value of their homes for taxes."

"The district representative, who denied my request for a major reduction, told me at the tape-recorded hearing that foreclosures aren't being considered. They aren't in the database,"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Clown and monkeys

Was clown and monkey really appropiate?

It appears that the local rag has turned advocate for returning an individual to the PISD that the voters removed from office in the last PISD election. Reasoning: the individual has experience. Voters determined that the individual did not have the experience that represented their desires. The individual only lost by seven votes was another reason provided within the context of the local rag. Regardless of how many votes one loses the majority of voters spoke on the issue. Losing by one vote is all it takes! Losing by seven votes does not grant the individual any special privilege. Losing is losing and the voters spoke. If you are going to use this logic then all previous candidates who lost a PISD board election are eligible to fill the vacant seat.

What experience did the other members have when elected to the PISD board? None, there is no experience requirement to serve as a school board member. Just as there is no experience requirement to fill the role of county commissioner, city councilperson, college board, etc.

I don't understand the need to call for an election when in the past the board operated with only six members and the PISD has a board election coming in Spring 2011 in which they can fill the seat. The same reasoning applies to appointing someone as well. Only operating with six was not a problem in the past. It is only a problem this time because on August 9th the PISD board voted to call a special election. Then in a following meeting a motion was made to rescind the August 9th decision; however, the board could not muster enough votes to rescind the previous decision. Then the board could not muster enough votes to appoint. The board is still left with their original decision of August 9th to call a special election.

Someone did not do their homework with regards to this issue and the board has now run into a timing issue if not a legal issue now that they have decided not to follow what they voted for on August 9th. If their is a clown and monkey in this matter it appears to be the individuals hired to advise the PISD school board, i.e. Twi-lite and Asst. Twi-lite Super. Who is the PISD elections administrator? This person is also responsible for knowing what is required for elections.

The local rag got one thing right 'three ring circus'; however, the clowns and monkeys are the individuals paid to advise the PISD board on such matters. These are the same individuals who decided it best to charter buses for athletics purposes rather than use the money wisely towards student learning enrichment..........least I forget a football player riding a charter bus is a student learning enrichment activity according to the 'ring master' of the PISD circus.

Leave the seat open and fill it in Spring 2011. However, if you need that seat filled so you can have enough votes to approve calling a bond election then you best reappoint the individual that the voters dispersed in the last PISD board election. This will give you the 4-3 (1 vote edge) you need! After all how many 3-3 tie votes did the board have when they operated with only six members in the past? I don't recall reading about any in the local rag.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Outrageously is all one can say

The attorney for the City of Watauga, Texas recently argued in a case before the Texas Courts that it would be a crime for a citizen to drive on the streets with a political bumper sticker on their car. Outrageous that this one lone attorney can interpret the law in this manner.

This opinion by the lone attorney was offered in the recent case against Chris Howe by the City of Watauga, Texas. Mr. Howe was imprisoned for five hours and then criminally prosecuted for holding a political sign on city property in Watauga, Texas. Guess the City of Watauga made the decision that taxpayers did not own the property! When did U.S. Citizens have to get the government's permission to speak about elections or important issues of faith? When did local government decide that they are the keepers of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

The bureaucrats have assembled way too much power, and it is time the power was returned to the people. The people pay the bills and the salaries that these bureaucrats collect each week. Power to the people!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What does the 14th amendment really say

Mark Davis from WBAP News/Talk 820 and 96.7 presented some good observations the other day on my drive to DFW to catch a flight. Thought it would be good to share his thoughts on birthright citizenship and the U.S. Constitution.

The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, and then some states took it upon themselves to enact laws providing lesser status for the newly freed individuals. Thus, the 14th Amendment was enacted to protect the newly freed individuals from the states who in turn tried to restrict their freedoms with new codifications after the passage of the 13th Amendment.

The language chosen for the 14th Amendment did not say "all persons born in the United States shall be Citizens of the United States." Mr. Davis stated that there was a qualifier of six words - "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" - and this certainly applied to the newly freed slaves. However, in his opinion this does not necessarily apply to a baby born to a woman who sets foot on American soil at the time she wishes to give birth to a child.

Mr. Davis brought forth some court cases that have explored the 14th Amendment, but they have never really addressed the specifics of the amendment with regards to citizenship. U.S. vs. Wong Kim Ark (1898) asserted citizenship rights for a man born in the U.S. to parents who were not citizens at the time but were legal residents. Chief Justice Melville Fuller in his dissent opinion warned against granting such precious rights to "children of foreigners, happening to be born to them while passing through the country."

In 1982 Plyler vs. Doe case negated Texas' right to deny funding to children of illegal immigrants. Nothing about the case involved birthright citizenship as some would have you believe today. "Plyer stands up for education dollars for the children of illegals, not their automatic right to full citizenship."

Do we need a constitutional amendment to rescind birthright citizenship? Everyone seems to be calling for an amendment to end birthright citizenship. I and Mr. Davis agree in that we don't think an amendment is needed. Our interpretation is that the U.S. Constitution does not and never did grant birthright citizenship to illegal immigrants regardless of how anyone wants to read the 14th Amendment.

We do need sensible immigration laws involving securing our borders and removing the incentives for coming to America illegally. The promise of instant citizenship without one legal resident parent is as strong a magnet as American jobs and welfare. Our belief is that the courts need to interpret the U.S. Constitution as it was written and intended and quit thinking about what the 14th Amendment should mean.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

In 1858 he said

Tocqueville in 1858 stated that aid (2010 term is Stimulus) must be temporary so that it did not develop into a 'right'.

In 1839 Tocqueville campaigned for the Chamber of Deputies of France. He campaigned as an independent candidate beholden to no one. He desired to serve his country in a disinterested spirit and cautioned the French people not to end up in political apathy and soulless materialism. He cautioned the people to awaken and mobilize.

It is now 2010 and does this not sound fimilar?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Birthright Anchor Babies

In 2009 60,000 Texas babies were born to illegal immigrants.

11,000 of the 60,000 were born at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas.

Everyone of them a U.S. Citizen, and no one really knows how to fix the problem. Some call the U.S. Constitution a 'dead' document and some call it a 'living' document; however, the problem of new illiegal immigrants being dropped on American soil continues. Not solving this problem will continue to bring harm to your pocketbook now and in the future.

Monday, August 16, 2010

10th Amendment Center

This is an interesting site if you are 100% for the rights of states per our U. S. Constitution.

The 10th amendment should be the ultimate check on on federal power. It is clearly stated in a single line:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people."

Sounds clear that most rights in this country rest with the States, and the PEOPLE.

Arizonans' have the right under the 10th Amendment to write their own laws. This will be interesting to see how the federal courts take on the State of Arizona.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Taxpayer Beware!

Taxpayers be on alert for all governmental entities are now involved in budget planning sessions. They are running short on funds due to decrease in property values, reduced sales tax income, etc. Local government entities have a limited amount of options in which they can raise revenue, i.e. property tax rate increase, raise water and sewer rates, raise usage fees, etc.

The one method that most almost always forget - CUT THE SPENDING by reducing the expenses. Yep, some employees might have to be let go, but that is the way it has been in the real world for the last two years.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

State capitalism

At one time government managed socialism was locked in a conflict with market-managed capitalism. The U.S. and western Europe championed capitalism. The Soviet Union and China preached the values of socialism. The competition between socialism and capitalism was 'hot and heavy' according to all the pundits. Let's take a quick look at three rivalries within the broad scope of competition between the two systems: East Germany v. West Germany, North Korea v. South Korea, and mainland China v. Taiwan. Today we have one Germany that supports market-managed capitalism, China moving towards more market-managed capitalism, and North Korea lagging the rest of the world while South Korea is a world player.

One would have to say the capitalist victory was overwhelming. Some have said wait a minute - market-managed capitalism is not a fair system. We will tone it down and it will now be known as state capitalism. State capitalism has a larger proportion of state ownership than market-managed capitalism. State capitalism interferes much more in the market mechanism by enhancing regulations such as price controls. Golly gosh does this sound familiar? The current U.S. leadership team has invented the item now known as state capitalism.

Welcome to America!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The press




Tuesday, July 20, 2010

They call it the stealth

The stealth tax is alive and well, and it appears it is being enhanced to meet the needs of those who survive off of property tax revenue.

Who owes their existence to the gathering and spending of property taxes?

Strapped local governments are getting desperate, and some may be overstating home values to collect more taxes. Has your home been overvalued at a time when real estate prices have been declining? Granted, Texans have seen a lesser decrease in real estate values; however, values have decreased. There is only one way for the entities that live and die by the collection of property taxes to survive - either raise the tax rate or increase property values. Look out folks the taxing entities want to keep the same budget as last year and they want to do it without cutting payroll, expenses, utility costs, cutting retirement contributions, etc. To make it work they will have to increase the tax rate or raise property values.

This article will help with an understanding of the process of how they drain your pocketbook and keep you from using the money as you see fit.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Turn Over

At one of the local coffee shop round tables it was once again discussed that the athletic coaching staff for the PISD has once again had almost a 100% turnover in staff. Most of the members of the table remembering discussing the same issue at this time last year.

There were three schools of thought at the table being discussed:

1) The AD/Head Coach wants to produce a winner so he encourages the staff that is unable to help produce the championship to seek employment else where, and
2) The AD/Head Coach is a really bad manager and does not treat his/her staff in a fair manner, and
3) The AD/Head Coach has a really hard time getting along with the staff he hires for a various of reasons.

Whatever the reason the round table was in complete agreement that no one should be hired who is not capable of fulfilling a role in the classroom as a teacher first and coach second. This school district does not have the monetary resources to have several full time non-certified teachers working as coaches and serving as education aides. Athletics plays a role in the education process; however, it is secondary to the needs of the mind.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

They found a better way in Harlem

"we must do a better job educating the millions of impoverished black children in America. For many of them, school will be the only way out from under the federal poverty line. "

This statement not only applies to black children for it applies to all children. Rural America struggles daily with preparing children for success in the classroom. The folks in Harlem have found a better way and perhaps it is time others followed their lead.

Monday, July 12, 2010

State Tournament

The round table discussed the value of the current youth baseball state tournament being hosted by the new county park. For the most part many around the table find this as a positive for the local community, and hope that such activities continue in order to help pay for upkeep of the county park and relieve the potential burden it could put on future taxpayers.

If you have not been by to check out the action then give it a shot. It is a wonderful site to see our youth in action.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More on the housing bust that tanked the economy

In a tid bit I caught on a CNBC program a few weeks back it reported that 7 in 10 new home buyers are home sellers. Interesting! So, before these folks can buy they require a buyer for their current house. I smell another housing generated tanking coming forth in the near future. Sooner or later the U.S. government is going to offer to bail these folks out by offering a different type of tax incentive. Don't have a clue as to the form, but keep your eyes and ears open for someone is going to get an opportunity at taxpayer expense.

60% of the 4.5 million units sold in 2009 were distressed sales in some form or fashion, and this has taxing entities upset. As values are reduced due to lower selling prices and new financial appraisal requirements and regulations in place from the last bust they will receive less in property taxes to meet the needs of government employee pay increases. They don't want to reduce valuations for they want to keep the highly inflated values they currently have on their books. Government needs a financial meltdown! Then we can start over from square one.

Remember that 7 out of 10 - it appears credit qualification standards have tightened and thus the reason no buyers for the houses they wish to rid themselves of at the moment, and first time home buyers have no money saved to put down on a house. Did not stop them before, why should it stop them now? The new American Dream - get it without earning it.

Where have all the smart people gone? Surely someone has ideas on how to get the motor cranked and running again.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Homeowners; Foreclosure; Taxing Entities

What is the common thread? Bit off more than they could chew when the 'good time were rolling'! The latest downfall in our economy per the experts was caused by folks getting more credit than they deserved. Consumers over extended and living beyond their means, i.e. getting more house than they could afford. What does all this have to do with taxing entities?

It appears that some of our taxing entities were living the good life at the expense of all those folks who ended up having a difficult time making the mortgage payment. The tax roll inflated with all the new homes being purchased by folks who in the end could not afford to keep up the payments.

I really like the story line out of Irving, Texas:

Manager's pay raise put on hold...................It's not the right time, council member's say, with $12 million shortfall, but he has done a good job. Sounds like the manager did a great job of not planning, and now there is a $12 million shortfall. It appears our taxing entities failed to plan and now they want the taxpayers to bail them out with a tax increase in order for them to keep spending the same amount of money they spent when times were good. Dang, wish my personal budget worked the same way. However, I have to tighten the belt and cut back. Taxing entities say they are cutting back; however, they are afraid they want be able to provide good customer service. What ignorance!

The story line out of Lewisville...............Tax increase eyed to close budget gap for Lewisville ISD. These folks did so well in the good times they have managed to accumulate a $100 million surplus and build a new sports stadium super complex at the expense of taxpayers. Now they want to 'hose' the taxpayers again with a tax increase. Perhaps the better option is to roll some heads and cut some programs. Get back to basics. Gosh, I forget they don't teach basic personal financial skills in the classroom these days. Guess this is something students just don't need to be successful. Has this not proven true with the housing bust? Folks biting off more than they could afford due to a lack of personal financial knowledge. However, it was really the financial institutions fault for talking them into taking the loans in the first place.

Folks I don't know about you, but I just don't know that I have any more to give. I used to have change in my pockets on a daily basis and now it is only there twice a month. If they want it all I guess we need to just cave-in and let'um have it. I can live in the woods under a tree, and fish for my meals. Wait, that is not possible for I am sure there is some law against that as well.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our government and the handouts,1773615

Inmates get $9 million in homebuyer tax credits, and 200 of the 1295 were serving life sentences. Who is responsible for such? It is hard to believe that an inmate has the need to file a tax return. However, there might be a law on the books that requires all regardless of location to file a return.

Minimum number of children under 18 who have received first-time homebuyer tax credits from the IRS since 2008 : 582

Other notes of interest................

Amount NYC Mayor Bloomberg's foundation deposited in Caribbean tax shelters in 2008: $288,000,000
(Is he not a Democrat?)

Number of the 251 largest U.S. cities in which immigrants hold more white-collar jobs than blue-collar jobs: 14

Number of states that currently ban involuntary implanting of microchips into a person's body: 4
(if relocating one might want to reconsider the other 46)

And now that it is HOT.................

Percentage of Americans in 1973 who considered AC a 'necessity': 26%
Percentage of Americans in 2006 who considered AC a 'necessity': 70%

Have we become lazy?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A standing ovation

Remember a few weeks back when our current U.S. Congress stood and gave an ovation (not all members participated in the ovation) to the President of Mexico for his comments about U. S. Immigration policy and his displeasure with the law passed by the state of Arizona.

The rest of the story................Mexico has now challenged the Arizona immigration law in a federal court in Arizona. What rights are afforded Mexico under our U.S. Constitution to the country of Mexico with regards to laws passed by our states? I need an expert to come forth and explain such. Mexico basis its argument on the country's (Mexico) own interests and citizens' rights are at stake. I was unaware that a Mexican citizen had any rights within the U.S.; therefore, how is it possible their rights are at stake? Mexico feels the law passed by Arizona is unconstitutional. Texas should have demanded Santa Anna deed Mexico to Texas when they had the chance!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Majority minority

Majority minority is a new buzz word created by the Census Bureau. What does majority minority convey?

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article whites are on the verge of becoming a minority among new born children in the U.S. Is this considered a demographic shift? Will this reshape politics in the U.S.?

It is stated that minority births will soon eclipse births of whites of European ancestry. It appears our English heritage is on the decline in the U.S. We all know that immigration has emerged as one of the nation's most controversial issues. You read the new Arizona law?

How are we arriving at this so called majority minority future? It appears the median age of the white population is older than that of nonwhites. A larger share of minority women are in prime child bearing years. It appears that from recent studies white women are having fewer children if having children at all. Another study indicates that we are having a great deal more multiracial births.

Many believe illegal immigration is the reason for the majority minority future. Is it possible? The Hispanic population produced approximately nine births for every one death, compared with a approximately one-to-one ratio for whites. According to a recent study most of the Hispanic births are from legal immigrants, and this would indicate that illegal immigration is not the driving factor behind our nation's growing diversity. It appears we become more like Europe each and every day.

In an interesting side note one of the individuals interviewed stated he remembered being perplexed when an elementary school teacher made him throw away the remainders of his cafeteria lunch instead of bringing it home. This would have been a wasteful move in his native Philippines. The individual is now a citizen of the U.S. and is the owner of a small business that creates jobs in the North Carolina area.

Majority minority is it on the way?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

There is no requirement to be a US citizen

What is Social Security?

Have you ever wondered how Social Security works? It’s actually a somewhat complex system established by the 1935 Social Security Act due in part to the Great Depression. President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted the Federal Government to assist the elderly during their retirement years and establish aid for the disabled and survivors benefits for spouses and children of deceased workers. Before Social Security, care and monetary funding for these individuals was up to the states, local communities and family members.

When the Great Depression hit, it was literally impossible for many families and local outreach programs to continue to render assistance as the economic crisis penetrated all areas of life and work for over a decade. Thus, FDR set up by executive order, a commission to investigate the social impact on Americans by the Depression and it was the findings that lead the President to ask Congress to create a program to help the elderly, disabled and survivors of deceased workers.

Social Security is a program not based upon the needs of the participants but rather how much and how long the participants pay into the system. Eligibility for benefits upon retirement includes a few factors:

1) Age – individuals must be 62 years old or older to receive retirement benefits
2) Length of employment – individuals must have worked for at least 40 quarters (over the life of their work experience) and paid into Social Security through payroll deductions (or on their own if self-employed)
3) There is no requirement to be a US citizen
4) Disability benefits eligibility is based upon a determination by the Social Security system along with the above listed qualifications (except for disability applicants under the age of 18).

Social Security is funded through specific payroll taxes deducted from the employees’ paycheck. The Employer matches the amount paid by the employee. If you look at your pay-stub, you will find under deductions something called “FICA” (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) that is actually a combined payroll tax amount for both Social Security and Medicare. The premise of this funding is that the current work force is paying the current retirement group.

The breakdown or distribution of the payroll tax that goes into Social Security is as follows:

A) Retirement and Survivors Tax – 10.6% (5.3% from employee & 5.3% from employer). This amount goes into the Old-Age and Survivor’s Trust fund

B) Disability Tax – 1.8% (0.9% from employee & 0.9% from employer). This amount goes into the Disability Insurance Trust Fund

The remaining payroll tax collected, approximately 2.9% total from both employee and employer, is allocated to Medicare; a separate program from Social Security.

As a retiree, an individual may earn up to $25,000.00 without having to pay income tax on their Social Security. If the person makes from $25,000 to $34,000 and files their tax status as ‘individual’, they will pay income tax on 50% of their Social Security benefits. Should they make over $34,000 in a tax year, the individual filer will pay income tax on 85% of their Social Security retirement income.

And there you have it, a brief overview of the Social Security program. The need for a safe and stable monetary support for the elderly, the disabled and survivors of deceased workers came about during a horrific economic crisis and continues to help millions of Americans every year. It’s estimated that even with the Social Security program, 10 out of every 100 retiree’s live in poverty.

Friday, June 18, 2010

On the dole

From the U.S. Census Bureau

In the 3rd quarter of 2008, approximately 45% of U.S. residents lived in households in which at least one individual received government benefits, such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. This is according to data from your U.S. Census Bureau.

33.6 million households received Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits.
30.8 million households received Medicare benefits.
28.4 million households received cash or non-cash means-tested benefits - benefits from programs that provide cash or services to people who meet a test of need based on income and assets.
21.1 million households received Medicaid benefits.
9.3 million households received food stamps.

Then came the stimulus funds...........................

Now your pocket book should feel much lite!

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "Economic Characteristics of Households in the United States: Third Quarter 2008," April 15,

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Brainwashing newly elected ISD board members

CIA brainwashing techniques used on newly elected ISD board members seems to have become the norm these days. I bet you thought you elected board members to represent you. There are organizations made up of former school district personnel, i.e. former school superintendents who get to retire much earlier than you that have a lot of extra time on their hands to start a second career, and they travel the state under the pretense of helping train newly elected school board members on their responsibilities.

The new school board members are being trained to support the wishes of the hired help. "Plano ISD board members were lectured at a training run by Don McAdams of the Center for Reform of School Systems ( on how to vote unanimously on controversial issues and were told that they are there to support the Superintendent's goals." If you are a voter and you voted for change then you most likely voted to make a change possibly by displacing the Superintendent. Mr. McAdams is out slapping the voters in the face with his 'go along to get along' new board member curriculum. Your taxpayer dollars are funding this training for your newly elected board members. So you get a slap on each cheek!

Former Dallas ISD Board Member Ron Price said in the article, "It's a great program to train boards how to be a rubber stamp. But it's not a good program for board members to represent your constituents."

Remind your school board members that they are there to represent the interests of the parents, students and tax payers - not the interests of educrats! If representing the educrats was the goal then our state formers and framers would not have insisted the need to have a locally elected school board. Your tax dollars need to be represented by the people you elect and not the bureaucratic hired hands.

Monday, June 7, 2010

On this day June 7, 2010

a true Tea Party Patriot was laid to rest. A few years ago I had an opportunity to meet and visit with the Patriot for he was doing some work on a place I owned in the northeast Texas area. He was a gentle person, but straight forward in our business dealings. I understand this is how he lived life. Our conversation led me to believe that he was deeply committed about his beliefs and the causes he championed. Most would call this being 'high strung'; however, for him it seemed to be a way of life.

As the years went by I continued to be a casual observer of his actions. There were a number of times that I did not agree with his opinions, beliefs, causes, etc. However, I always knew where the Patriot stood! He had a desire for correctness and this desire drove his action. I came to understand through various coffee shop round tales that many did not always agree with the Patriot; however, his actions were respected.

Many would say he was not very well liked; however, show me someone who truly believes in their passion and you will hear similar comments. He lived life LARGE and he could be over bearing at times; however, in that short time we had to visit I came away with the feeling that he had a kind and compassionate heart. This could very well be the case for this Patriot in that many did not agree nor like his actions at times, but many respected the Patriot for stepping up to defend his causes. If more displayed the same then this country may not be in the downward spiral away from capitalism that we find ourselves in today.

The thing that saddens this writer the most is the two young children who were a part of his family. The village must continue to care and nurture to their needs in the now absence of their father. May the children have fond memories of the short time they were given to share with their father on this earth. Pray for these children and the spouse that God will nurture, protect, and continue to guide them as they pursue the new path and challenges that will come before them as they continue in life. Hail to Mr. Richardson a true Tea Party Patriot.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Systems of education

“It is an object of vast magnitude that systems of education should be adopted and pursued which may not only diffuse a knowledge of the sciences but may implant in the minds of the American youth the principles of virtue and of liberty and inspire them with just and liberal ideas of government and with an inviolable attachment to their own country.”
–Noah Webster, On Education of Youth in America, 1790

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Why place them all in the same tree

The Pittsburg Gazette
April 22, 2010
One Man's Opinion by Roy Knox

The local rag has invoked copyright privilidge; therefore, the quoted pieces from One Man's Opinion have been removed. Read the article at this link:

If you read the local rag then I am sure you caught these words pinned by Mr. Knox in One Man's Opinion from the April 22, 2010 edition. Solid thoughts for one who cares for his/her country and the current direction it is headed. Then in the May 20, 2010 One Man's Opinion the author/journalist chooses to 'place all who oppose' in the same tree. This blog was not created to induce personal attacks and the blog host warned those who chose that road that they needed to become more respectful. I would encourage the author/journalist of One Man's Opinion to review his thoughts expressed in the April 22, 2010 edition. The host of this blog has no more control over the extreme individuals as those trying to put a 'rope' around the TEA Party followers. Little touchy when a group stirs up issues on the local level per One Man's Opinion in the May 20, 2010 edition; however, if you want to stir it up on the state and national level then move forward.

The author/journalist has already conveyed that he understands that all should not be placed in the same tree at the state and national level and should this not apply at the local level as well? No bad feelings between the host of this blog and Mr. Knox for he is entitled to his opinion. Plus, the host of this blog enjoys reading about the various topics covered by Mr. Knox, and finds many quite amusing and funny in a life filled with stress. Don't put us all in the same tree!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Education spending where does the money go

From M.Q. Sullivan and the EmpowerTexans team:

"Texas taxpayers now spend $11,084 per year per child on public education. But less than half of it makes it toward instructional expenses.

Ten years ago Texas was spending just $5,857.
(If per-pupil spending had increased with inflation, it’d be just $7,542 now, not $11,084.)

So where is the money going? Looking at data on the Texas Education Agency website, it's not going to the classroom.

If you think of each kid the way school administrators do -- as bags of money -- and consider your average third-grade class which has a cap of 22 students per teacher, that's $243,848 sitting there.

The money isn't going to the teacher. Average teacher pay was $47,313 in the 08-09 school year (up from $34,357 a decade ago). So where's the other $200,000 derived from our average classroom going? Seems a bit much for overhead, doesn’t it?

Certainly not instruction-related expenses. Of the $11,084 spent per pupil on public education in 2009, only $4,831 went for anything that could even remotely be considered "instructional" expenses as defined by the Texas Education Agency.

Over the last decade, student enrollment has risen 15 percent -- from 3.9 million students to 4.6 million students. In that same period, the number of teachers grew accordingly, at 19.3 percent. We have 14.4 students for every teacher (in 1999 it was 15.2 students per teacher).

But non-teachers? That’s where the growth is. We had 22 percent more non-teachers on the payroll in 2009 than in 1999. So for all this spending, for all these new, non-classroom employees, surely there's been some marked improvement in academic performance. Right? I mean, that’s why we spend money in public education…

Actually, there's been a decline in results. The average Texas SAT score in 1999 was a 992. In 2009, it dropped to a 988. The SAT may not be a perfect barometer, but it’s a pretty consistent outside measurement. Given what we’re paying per kid, surely it’s reasonable to expect a little improvement, right?

Our public schools are spending dollars almost faster than the taxpayers can earn them. We're told to support public education spending for the sake of the children. But the money doesn't seem to make it to where the kids, and their teachers, spend their days.

As parents and taxpayers, we have to demand that more dollars flow to the classroom, not from our pockets but from the over-fed bureaucracy whose bloated weight is dragging down our teachers and academically endangering our kids. So when your superintendent or school board next asks you for more money, bigger budgets and growing staff, we should demand they show us precisely how it will directly improve the education Texas’ kids receive. We’re clearly not getting our money’s worth.

The place to make these changes is at the local level. Your school district has a lot more power over their spending than they might want you to believe. It’s time for us to demand a lot better."

For Texas,
Michael Quinn Sullivan& the

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The insiders really do have the power seats

Anyone know how many current members of Congress are former congressional staffers? 75

Number of these who were elected to the seat occupied by their former boss? 30

Average age of sitting US senator? 64

Average age in 1959? 58
In 1909? 58
In 1789? 47
We used to be a young country filled full of new and bright ideas. Wonder if having a senior level senate and house has something to do with thinking entitlements?

Now you all will really like this factoid: Percentage of all US stimulus funds for renewable energy since last September that have gone to foreign companies? 79
And you thought we had an uproar about shipping jobs out of country by the current administration.

Another minor detail on the immigration front: Estimated cost to locate, process, and deport all illegal immigrants in the United States as of May 20, 2010? $285,000,000,000
Now you know why I.C.E. does not work very hard at rounding up and shipping them out. You need money and we can't print enough to do the job.

Now for some international trivia.

Anyone know the percentage change in the past year in the average value of urban real estate in China? 140%

What is the total value of the 10,149 US companies acquired since 2001 by foreign interests?
The US is worth more by the piece than it is by the whole!

What is the percentage of French who think it 'somewhat' or 'very' possible they will one day become homeless? 56% Percentage of Americans who think 'somewhat' or 'very' is possible? 4%.
Guess the current and last recession failed to move folks to a more frugal mindset or they know the 'safety blanket' of the federal government will be there to pick up the slack.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Appraised Value Notices Are Out

Did you get yours? I got a couple and for the life of me I don't understand how a 5 acre tract triples since 2009. I thought real estate values were down and not up. Any how there is a 5 acre tract next to mine that has been for sale for two years at an asking price of $20,000 and there has been no offers. Guess mine not for sale is worth more than the one that is for sale in the eyes of the appraisal district. Oh well time to suit up and get ready for battle! This is becoming a yearly battle and it should not be in my opinion. Eliminate the appraisal district's and enhance the sales tax. Then again Outsider has advocated shutting down the public schools and perhaps it is time.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How do you get a BOOM going

According to Richard Karlgaard, you need a good education system in place to jump start a boom. He noted in a recent piece that American universities lead the world in upper education. He wonders how this is possible when our K-12 schools are not in the top 10 and in some measures US K-12 want even make the top 20. He goes on to explain this is not in America's best interest with regards to our competitive future. He also points out that the lack of success in the K-12 education is a reduction in our strength as a civilization.

He explores ways to get our K-12 education back into the global top 10 and one way is to "abolish the requirement of an education degree so that any college-degreed person who is motivated to teach has the opportunity to do so." Don't know about how others feel on this issue, but I think Mr. Karlgaard is right on track. I can't think of a better way to draw more successful people from the private sector into teaching. Wonder how many education majors remember and practice all the education theory they learned while attending an institution of higher education? I would be willing to bet they forgot the material as soon as the exam was over! It is the bottom quartile of teachers who do not want to abolish the 'education' degree. If you did then they may not have a place to work. Most teachers are serious about educating children and some are there due to the fact it was the easiest degree plan and by having the 'education' degree they were able to get a job. Schools are filled with bad teachers for this very reason. These are the teachers who continually have a bad day at work. These are the teachers who are not excited about getting up and going to the classroom every morning and can't wait for the summer off time when it is only August.

Outsider has posted in response to public schools "shut'um down". This is not the answer! You can't give up on education. Education provides us with the competitive edge. However, education has a terrible return with regards to funds invested in a student/s attending public schools in general. Some schools are better than others. How do we get a better return on the investment?

Mr. Karlgaard suggests that we fire the bottom quartile of teachers and pay the good ones more. Eliminating the 'education' degree requirement to teacher would go a long way towards bringing in a better crop of teachers and changing the way the education establishment thinks about who is and who is not qualified to teach.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Election formality is over

Came real close to shutting this blog site down last week. Then again I decided that the host was not the reason for all the 'hateful' attitudes. Individual behavior was the reason. The blog was not created for those who do not know how nor choose to get along. The purpose was to bring forth and debate issues related to local, state, national, and within the international arena.

After you have tried to educate someone as to your point of view and they don't agree then move on! There is no cause for shouting matches at the round table as reportedly took place on election day at a local round table. Passion is one thing, but hateful bliss is another. I now know why there are so few 'real' neighbors in this community. Then again I guess this can be said about most communities these days.

Us outsiders have torn the fabric of the local community with our relocation's for a better way of life. This appears to be the thought pattern of the insiders. We outsiders are not here to tear the fabric we are here to enhance. The insiders must be willing to listen to our thoughts. You don't have to agree! However, at the very least listen. You are using our tax money just as you are using your own to support the functions of government. Many of us outsiders have seen a better way due to the experience we gained from the community in which we came. All outsiders will agree the better way we experienced in another community may not be the better way in this community; however, you must be open to the idea that a better way exist.

As time moves forward the outsiders in this community will become the majority according to several demographic studies. By the way this does not only apply to this community this applies to all small communities in the state. Insiders and outsiders need to find common ground from which to work.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Absurdity in finest form

The Educrats are at it again! They are doing their best to teach responsibility; however, they have no clue as to how best to educate a student in value judgement. First, one must lead by example, and this is a poor demonstration of leadership by example.

Suit Over How to Grade Students Pits Districts Against Texas
from the Texas Insider

"Eleven Texas school districts will ask an Austin judge today if they can keep cutting a break to students who badly fail courses despite a new law mandating truthful grading.

The districts — most are in the Houston area — are suing state Education Commissioner Robert Scott over his interpretation of the bill, which he says requires schools to give students accurate grades on their report cards. The districts maintain they can keep their policies that set minimum failing grades — typically a 50 — even if students deserved lower.

In their lawsuit, the districts argue that the statute, which took effect this school year, applies only to class assignments, not to semester or six- or nine-week grades on report cards.
The law does not mention report card grades, but the bill’s author, Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, has said she intended it to cover all types of grades.

The Fort Bend, Aldine, Klein, Alief, Anahuac and Clear Creek school districts filed the lawsuit in November, with Humble, Deer Park, Eanes, Dickinson and Livingston joining later. At today’s hearing, they are seeking a temporary injunction to keep Scott from voiding their minimum grading policies.

Scott, who is being represented by the Texas Attorney General’s office, is asking civil state District Judge Gisela Triana-Doyal to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing in part that he doesn’t have the power to enforce the grading law and that there’s not a specific student’s case in dispute."


from Christian Archer

"I’m tired of the lame excuse that the psyches of the students can be permanently damaged if they have to experience that they underachieved. Part of maturing and growing up is to accept the responsibility for you actions (grades). In my opinion, we have an immature nation today because our education system and the norm of today’s societal values teaches people that they don’t have to take responsibility for their actions.

I’ve heard MATURITY defined as “the ability to accept the responsibility for one’s actions.”"

CW Jensen

"My principal used to try and get me to give grades to students that were NOT deserved.I said if I sign those RECORDS they represent my REPUTATION.My REPUTATION is worth more than this job.When I retired they did NOT believe I was really retiring because I was always threatening to quit.PEOPLE your REPUTATION is all you will have after you die………………………Make sure you were always TRUE to yourself."

from Erin

"As a teacher, I never “give” students grades – they earn them. If I were to give a student a higher grade than he earned, it would devalue the hard-earned grades of all the other students. As in real life, being fair means giving everyone the same opportunity to succeed according to consistently-applied standards, and actions have consequences.

You said it, Christian – the most valuable lesson schools can teach today is accepting responsibility. Too bad most of our elected officials didn’t learn that lesson."

If a judge allows this case to stand then he/she should be IMPEACHED!