Excerpt from the "Daily Reckoning Australia" newsletter.........................
"One thing Americans take for granted is that they will always be the richest, most successful people on earth. They think that because that is what they have always known. The US economy became the biggest in the world before 1900. Americans had just what it took to become the richest people on the planet. They worked hard. They saved their money. They had little government interference. They had the industrial revolution at their backs...and nothing in their way. And they had a dollar that was 'as good as gold.' By the time the baby boomers were born the US had such a big lead over the rest of the world, it seemed like nothing could stop it. Free enterprise guaranteed new innovations and new wealth. Democracy guaranteed a political system that would adapt to the needs of the evolving economy.
But nothing lasts forever. As it matured, the US economy and its political system became more and more rigid and more and more costly, with handouts and bailouts...at every level. Large companies are protected. Millions of people are encouraged not to work. The whole financial industry is dipped in honey. And the whole population is urged not to save, but to spend. Why bother to save for retirement; there's Social Security. Why bother to save for health care emergencies; there's the government's new overhaul of the medical system! Why bother to save at all; the government has fixed short-term rates so low you get nothing for your trouble.
On our travels what we notice is that there are a lot of smart people in the world. And they're all sweating, striving, and angling to get ahead. You never know who will win the race, but you can be sure that no one will stay in the lead forever."
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
And you trust the federal government with health care
"According to a government site aimed at tracking federal stimulus money $15 million dollars has gone to Texas districts that don't exist. There are 32 congressional districts in Texas but according to www.recovery.com nearly nine million dollars went to a fictional 52nd district that created zero jobs. North Texas congressman Joe Barton plans to investigate where close to $15 million dollars went to create 98 jobs in Texas."
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The truth is that any of us with employment, who have roofs over our heads, food on our tables, money in our pockets, and are healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of our labor have plenty to be thankful for on a daily basis, not just today. There’s not a single day that goes by that I don’t consider myself one of the luckiest people on Earth. While you enjoy Thanksgiving and count your blessings don't forget about those who have not been blessed with the same or equal fruit.
As you know, there are a lot of individuals having a tough go of things these days, and for those of us who have been blessed we owe it to ourselves and others to reach out and help in some way. Every one of us knows someone having a tough go, so my recommendation for you is to simply find some way to help them in some way this season. Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or huge sacrifice for you and your wallet. In fact, in many cases it will only require a simple phone call to let them know you care and are there to help them in some way. As the saying goes, it is the little things that are important in life. Understand that and you’ll discover one of the true secrets of being successful and living a happy life.
By all means don't forget those in the military. They continue to fight for our freedoms on a daily basis. Without their sacrifice then you and I may not be be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!
As you know, there are a lot of individuals having a tough go of things these days, and for those of us who have been blessed we owe it to ourselves and others to reach out and help in some way. Every one of us knows someone having a tough go, so my recommendation for you is to simply find some way to help them in some way this season. Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or huge sacrifice for you and your wallet. In fact, in many cases it will only require a simple phone call to let them know you care and are there to help them in some way. As the saying goes, it is the little things that are important in life. Understand that and you’ll discover one of the true secrets of being successful and living a happy life.
By all means don't forget those in the military. They continue to fight for our freedoms on a daily basis. Without their sacrifice then you and I may not be be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Integrity, values and gyrostabilizer
Can't seem to get off this theme of integrity. There should be three non-negotiables: one's vision to create the best, one's mission, and one's values. All are deeply rooted in our history and culture, and are usually the most significant reasons for one's success. Everything else in life is strategic and tactical with regards to adapting to the things that change around each of us.
However, our core values remain true. As individuals we are guided by our underlying values that never change. These values are practical habits that guide our everyday behaviors and relationships with clients, customers, taxpayers, employees, students, constituents, and the communities in which we live.
Our values also form the foundation of how we develop our leaders. Those values lead to behaviors, which in turn lead to positive results. Our school administration should ingrain in our student athletes that honesty and integrity mean keeping agreements (school handbook) and never compromising principles for short-term benefit (district championships). Acknowledging reality and thinking independently mean making logical decisions, and this is a major part of our internal integrity meter. Consider how these values, and the leadership principles based on them, are responsible for the development of our young student athletes. The pertinent issues (student handbook) were fully disclosed, and our student athletes, students, etc. should be held fully accountable. This is the process of developing one's internal values and self worth. One should never 'muddy the water' with a double-standard based upon student athlete v. regular student. The one thing that is true is that they are all students first, and whatever else second.
Everything we do should be consistent with our values and the values we seek to convey. Perhaps Twi-lite Super and school administration should complete an inventory of their own personal values and internal integrity meter. One would hope that they would draw a more realistic approach to creating two separate sets of values depending upon student athlete v. regular student expectations. One could conclude that a student athlete should be held to a higher standard than a regular student. After all, the student athlete sought the privilege to participate in a more costly endeavor at the expense of taxpayers.
I may have finally gotten this issue off my chest, but every time I attend a round table discussion these double-standards are discussed. Why should a teacher have to resign over such double-standards? Twi-lite Super should be sent packing once again! Twi-lite Super's value gyro is out of kilter, and the only way to repair a damaged gyro is by discarding the damaged gyro. She retired once retire her again and let her work on that out of kilter value gyrostabilizer.
However, our core values remain true. As individuals we are guided by our underlying values that never change. These values are practical habits that guide our everyday behaviors and relationships with clients, customers, taxpayers, employees, students, constituents, and the communities in which we live.
Our values also form the foundation of how we develop our leaders. Those values lead to behaviors, which in turn lead to positive results. Our school administration should ingrain in our student athletes that honesty and integrity mean keeping agreements (school handbook) and never compromising principles for short-term benefit (district championships). Acknowledging reality and thinking independently mean making logical decisions, and this is a major part of our internal integrity meter. Consider how these values, and the leadership principles based on them, are responsible for the development of our young student athletes. The pertinent issues (student handbook) were fully disclosed, and our student athletes, students, etc. should be held fully accountable. This is the process of developing one's internal values and self worth. One should never 'muddy the water' with a double-standard based upon student athlete v. regular student. The one thing that is true is that they are all students first, and whatever else second.
Everything we do should be consistent with our values and the values we seek to convey. Perhaps Twi-lite Super and school administration should complete an inventory of their own personal values and internal integrity meter. One would hope that they would draw a more realistic approach to creating two separate sets of values depending upon student athlete v. regular student expectations. One could conclude that a student athlete should be held to a higher standard than a regular student. After all, the student athlete sought the privilege to participate in a more costly endeavor at the expense of taxpayers.
I may have finally gotten this issue off my chest, but every time I attend a round table discussion these double-standards are discussed. Why should a teacher have to resign over such double-standards? Twi-lite Super should be sent packing once again! Twi-lite Super's value gyro is out of kilter, and the only way to repair a damaged gyro is by discarding the damaged gyro. She retired once retire her again and let her work on that out of kilter value gyrostabilizer.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Sticking with the issue of integrity
Recently I attended a gathering of fine folks in the extreme far eastern stretch of our county, and it was a fine gathering with some excellent food and good conversation. Strange how the issue of integrity seems to just pop up in conversations these days. Seems as if most at this gathering have become quite concerned about the issue of integrity, and the lack of conveying such to our young people today. The conversation mainly centered on the aspect of our federal government. However, one individual discussed the lack of integrity displayed by our school administration and PISD board. The individual did note that the PISD board may or may not know about certain issues and could not place blame with them 100%. However, this individual freely shared their views about the lack of integrity regarding the individual who is responsible for running the schools on a daily basis. I was not sure as to who this individual was referring and when I asked the answer came as I suspected - Twi-Lite Super.
It appears that the new role taken on by Twi-Lite Super as chief investigator for the district has established a double standard when it comes to punishment for wrong doing. In a more recent post I reported the incident in regards to students who were athletes who were caught in some wrong doings and the PISD never addressed the issue by suspending the individuals from athletic activity. That post discussed the issue of integrity and what is being conveyed to our young people today. At this gathering in the far eastern bounds of the county this individual shared with those standing that a non-athletic student was recently punished and sent to behavior management school (schools refer to this as ISS) for the possession of a hunting knife on school property locked away in his truck. It was reported the security dog sniffed it out on one of his/her visits to the school parking lot. Then it was discussed that another
student (an athletic participant) also had his vehicle sniffed by the dog and a hunting knife was found along with a prescription drug for which the student had no prescription. It was reported this athletic participant student received no punishment for being in the possession of a weapon and an illegal drug while being on school property. It was reported that both are automatic violations under school policy and punishment for such violations are already defined in the student handbook. It appears Twi-lite Super allows for athletic participants to abide by one set of rules and non-athletic students are required to adhere to the current school policies.
If I understood correctly if they sent the athletic participant to behavior management school then he/she would not be permitted to participate in athletics for that same period of time is what I gathered from the conversation. The other student did not participate so it was okay for he/she to be confined to behavior management school. Double-standard at its extreme! If you don't teach integrity while they are young then they grow up like Twi-lite Super believing it is okay to make such value judgements with regards to trying to justify it is alright to do a wrong. This should never be the case and Twi-lite Super nor any school personnel should ever lower the standard to try and justify something that does future harm to one's developing internal integrity meter. Integrity should never be sold out for any reason. In the end it is one of the only things in life one is issued a grade by the rest of society. If you justify a lack of integrity now then the student will for the rest of his/her life try to justify every wrong doing, and always try to make it right. It happens everyday and all one has to do is read the paper, watch the news, etc.
Did you read about the recent conviction of a couple in Galveston for the killing of a baby? They tried to justify a wrong. The baby would not stop crying so they took extreme measures and the baby ended up dying from the extreme measures taken. They tried to justify and rationalize the wrong as being a right. They sold out their integrity. Were they taught to justify there lack of integrity from an earlier incident in life?
It appears that the new role taken on by Twi-Lite Super as chief investigator for the district has established a double standard when it comes to punishment for wrong doing. In a more recent post I reported the incident in regards to students who were athletes who were caught in some wrong doings and the PISD never addressed the issue by suspending the individuals from athletic activity. That post discussed the issue of integrity and what is being conveyed to our young people today. At this gathering in the far eastern bounds of the county this individual shared with those standing that a non-athletic student was recently punished and sent to behavior management school (schools refer to this as ISS) for the possession of a hunting knife on school property locked away in his truck. It was reported the security dog sniffed it out on one of his/her visits to the school parking lot. Then it was discussed that another
student (an athletic participant) also had his vehicle sniffed by the dog and a hunting knife was found along with a prescription drug for which the student had no prescription. It was reported this athletic participant student received no punishment for being in the possession of a weapon and an illegal drug while being on school property. It was reported that both are automatic violations under school policy and punishment for such violations are already defined in the student handbook. It appears Twi-lite Super allows for athletic participants to abide by one set of rules and non-athletic students are required to adhere to the current school policies.
If I understood correctly if they sent the athletic participant to behavior management school then he/she would not be permitted to participate in athletics for that same period of time is what I gathered from the conversation. The other student did not participate so it was okay for he/she to be confined to behavior management school. Double-standard at its extreme! If you don't teach integrity while they are young then they grow up like Twi-lite Super believing it is okay to make such value judgements with regards to trying to justify it is alright to do a wrong. This should never be the case and Twi-lite Super nor any school personnel should ever lower the standard to try and justify something that does future harm to one's developing internal integrity meter. Integrity should never be sold out for any reason. In the end it is one of the only things in life one is issued a grade by the rest of society. If you justify a lack of integrity now then the student will for the rest of his/her life try to justify every wrong doing, and always try to make it right. It happens everyday and all one has to do is read the paper, watch the news, etc.
Did you read about the recent conviction of a couple in Galveston for the killing of a baby? They tried to justify a wrong. The baby would not stop crying so they took extreme measures and the baby ended up dying from the extreme measures taken. They tried to justify and rationalize the wrong as being a right. They sold out their integrity. Were they taught to justify there lack of integrity from an earlier incident in life?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
And the rats jump ship
"Today in Hardin County, seven Democrats announced that they are switching parties to become Republicans. The new Republicans include Sheriff Ed Cain, County Judge Billy Caraway and Precinct 4 Commissioner Bobby Franklin. And at noon Tuesday in Palo Pinto County, Precinct 5 Justice of the Peace Bobby Hart switched his party affiliation and became a Republican."
The folks jumped ship on November 4,2009. Question is did they jump to the party of lesser government or not?
The folks jumped ship on November 4,2009. Question is did they jump to the party of lesser government or not?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Texas House Speaker Joe Straus (R-San Antonio)
"open" to the idea of "indexing" gasoline taxes. As the reporter correctly noted, indexing "is a fancy way of saying 'raising.'"
Raising the tax on gasoline is back on the table for study in the coming months as the legislature begins the tradition of interim study. Speaker Staus is open to the idea of indexing the gasoline tax. Why even bother with looking at the gasoline tax? Anytime there is a potential shortage of funds then the gasoline tax comes up in the legislature. Why do we pay a gasoline tax in Texas? To help fund transportation projects is the correct answer. However, over time like any tax it eventually is used to fund other state mandated programs.
According to state government critic Michael Q. Sullivan "gas tax receipts have grown at a remarkable clip. Where has the money gone? The black holes of fruitless mass transit projects like light-rail, taxpayer-funded lobbying, and other dubious directions." As taxpayers we need to demand an immediate end to the diversion of more than 40 percent of current state gasoline taxes to non-road construction uses. Would having an additional 40 percent solve all the transportation issues in Texas? Probably not; however, it would go a long way to finishing up some projects, i.e. highway 11 bridge east of town. When will this nightmare project be over with? Wonder how much of the 40 percent is diverted to public schools? That is a research topic for another day.
Mr. Straus needs to concentrate on legislation already on the books and make sure it is being carried out appropiately before we start adding new taxes. Wonder how the Texas Tea Party weighs in on this issue? Guess I should schedule a tea party for some answers. It is estimated that over 1000 people attended the Tea Party held in Mt. Pleasant on November 2, 2009.
Raising the tax on gasoline is back on the table for study in the coming months as the legislature begins the tradition of interim study. Speaker Staus is open to the idea of indexing the gasoline tax. Why even bother with looking at the gasoline tax? Anytime there is a potential shortage of funds then the gasoline tax comes up in the legislature. Why do we pay a gasoline tax in Texas? To help fund transportation projects is the correct answer. However, over time like any tax it eventually is used to fund other state mandated programs.
According to state government critic Michael Q. Sullivan "gas tax receipts have grown at a remarkable clip. Where has the money gone? The black holes of fruitless mass transit projects like light-rail, taxpayer-funded lobbying, and other dubious directions." As taxpayers we need to demand an immediate end to the diversion of more than 40 percent of current state gasoline taxes to non-road construction uses. Would having an additional 40 percent solve all the transportation issues in Texas? Probably not; however, it would go a long way to finishing up some projects, i.e. highway 11 bridge east of town. When will this nightmare project be over with? Wonder how much of the 40 percent is diverted to public schools? That is a research topic for another day.
Mr. Straus needs to concentrate on legislation already on the books and make sure it is being carried out appropiately before we start adding new taxes. Wonder how the Texas Tea Party weighs in on this issue? Guess I should schedule a tea party for some answers. It is estimated that over 1000 people attended the Tea Party held in Mt. Pleasant on November 2, 2009.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Unfit for service has its problems
Anyone catch the report that 75% of our young citizens between the ages of 17-24 are unfit for military service. This drys up the pool quickly! It appears that a report by Mission: Readiness a Washington nonprofit organization has concluded that 75% of our young people are unfit due to being overweight and other physical ailments that make them unfit for the armed forces. Overweight and physical ailments are not the only reasons cited. The one that jumps off the page at you is "largely because they are poorly educated". We all have known for years that our kids today are fat and overweight due to lack of physical activity. Where are those family farms?
With all the money we continue to pump into education (once again another confirmation that our money is being wasted) one would think the US would have the most educated pool available in the world for military service. What does the education bureaucracy do with all the money? Fancy sports complexes, excessive school buildings, unneeded school vehicles, continuous outings to fancy resorts, i.e. Gaylord in Grapevine, Texas, and excessive administration overhead. With schools no longer promoting integrity due to the lack of integrity by some school administrators the report also cites issues like drug use, criminal records (football players who drink and drive come to mind), and mental problems as reducing the pool as well.
Who will be there to help us if we are ever attacked here is this country? This problem of 75% being unfit for military service threatens our ability to defend ourselves in the event of an attack. The Russians once said they would take us over by never firing a shot. Who would have ever thought that our country's poor education system and our excessive nation of fat young people could be the answer to the statement made by the Russians.
With all the money we continue to pump into education (once again another confirmation that our money is being wasted) one would think the US would have the most educated pool available in the world for military service. What does the education bureaucracy do with all the money? Fancy sports complexes, excessive school buildings, unneeded school vehicles, continuous outings to fancy resorts, i.e. Gaylord in Grapevine, Texas, and excessive administration overhead. With schools no longer promoting integrity due to the lack of integrity by some school administrators the report also cites issues like drug use, criminal records (football players who drink and drive come to mind), and mental problems as reducing the pool as well.
Who will be there to help us if we are ever attacked here is this country? This problem of 75% being unfit for military service threatens our ability to defend ourselves in the event of an attack. The Russians once said they would take us over by never firing a shot. Who would have ever thought that our country's poor education system and our excessive nation of fat young people could be the answer to the statement made by the Russians.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Twi-lite super has taken on a new role
From the coffee shop round table in a rural area of Camp County it is reported that Twi-lite Super has now taken on the task of PISD Chief Investigator displacing the PISD school police officer. Two incidents were discussed at the round table. One incident involved two PISD star football players who were pulled over by local law enforcement after the LE game in October. The two star players were in possession of alcohol while driving. The two had just left the school parking lot; therefore, they were in possession of alcohol on school property unless they can prove otherwise. Not only were state laws violated, but local school policy was violated as well. It was reported that Twi-lite Super took over the investigation and as of this date no results have been released. If these violations are true then the two should be suspended from extra-curricular activities, i.e. football team, and suspended from school. By letting this slide you are doing these young men no favor in the grand scheme of life. Integrity in the individual and the program mean more than a football championship. You have a chance at a learning moment in a young persons life and tough love is the only option.
The other incident discussed concerns a theft by a student from a teachers purse. The teacher confronted the student, and the confrontation upset the parents of the student. They complained and Twi-lite Super in her new role as Chief Investigator for PISD was on the case. In the end the campus principle and Twi-lite Super turned their back on the teacher and the teacher immediately tenured her resignation. I don't know the teacher personally, but in conversation when I ask about the teacher I am told that she is a good teacher with no integrity issues. It is reported the family from which the teacher comes is an outstanding local family with no integrity issues. Twi-lite Super is/was willing to let star football players off the hook; therefore, one can conclude where the integrity issue lies.
Twi-lite Super is all this true? If this is true then why are these issues being covered up, not spoken about from a school officials view, etc. Don't give us the spill that they are students and their privacy is protected. You can address these issues without violating the privacy of these students. The public has a right to know and you have an obligation as PISD Chief Administrator to find a way to communicate to the public.
The other incident discussed concerns a theft by a student from a teachers purse. The teacher confronted the student, and the confrontation upset the parents of the student. They complained and Twi-lite Super in her new role as Chief Investigator for PISD was on the case. In the end the campus principle and Twi-lite Super turned their back on the teacher and the teacher immediately tenured her resignation. I don't know the teacher personally, but in conversation when I ask about the teacher I am told that she is a good teacher with no integrity issues. It is reported the family from which the teacher comes is an outstanding local family with no integrity issues. Twi-lite Super is/was willing to let star football players off the hook; therefore, one can conclude where the integrity issue lies.
Twi-lite Super is all this true? If this is true then why are these issues being covered up, not spoken about from a school officials view, etc. Don't give us the spill that they are students and their privacy is protected. You can address these issues without violating the privacy of these students. The public has a right to know and you have an obligation as PISD Chief Administrator to find a way to communicate to the public.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Integrity and class still matter
Integrity and class still matter today. A friend forwarded the link to an article about integrity and class and I felt the need to share. At times many critics of sponsored sports question the need and expense of such activities. This article states the case for the good in such activities. Integrity and class still matter when those in charge have integrity and class and they are more concerned about conveying those attitudes no matter the cost. You don't need turf fields, multi-million dollar athletic facilities, etc. to convey the necessary principles of success in life. You need individuals who put into practice what they teach on a daily basis. What a valuable lesson displayed and learned by the leaders of the two schools mentioned in the article. Someone realized it was only a game, and there are more precious things in life than a win/loss record. At times public and private schools pamper athletes which ends up harming the student athlete in the long run. Tough love is a valuable asset that needs to be practiced more often. When practiced young men and women learn valuable lessons that help society as a whole, and provides better direction for a successful life. There is not much tough love in the article; however, one knows when tough love is the norm. All one has to do is consider the actions by the participants at all levels.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
J&J To Cut 7% of Workforce
and the Obama administration continues to lead one to believe they have created jobs during this financial meltdown. Oops! Story changed they saved over a half a million jobs rather than create jobs. Oops! Who does the administration think they are kidding? The people are smarter than the administration. Look for historical unemployment before this 'cat gets out of the bag' anytime soon. Obama and company need to regroup and quit feeding the American public the same ole line of crap. If the American people are not spending then we have no jobs for the poor and uneducated that live among our ranks. The spending creates the jobs! Making things requires workers. Workers work they earn wages. Wages equal spending. It is like the 'circle of life' the system is self sustaining.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Equalization only exist in theory
Let me explain why equalization only exist in theory..............................
It was once said that "the wealth of the poor has been sacrificed to that of the rich." One has to analyze and formulate his own opinion as to what is rich. It seems as if the rich are the only ones who own land, and this makes everyone else seem poor. However, is this really the case? Most likely not. The next question you have to consider "is it more profitable for the poor to work for the rich than for the poor to own plots of land"? The poor most likely do profit more from the rich land owners for they have no responsibility for taxes associated with the owning of land. No one should take from this that the "interests of the poor have been set aside for those of the rich". Someone has to provide away for the poor to profit and they are given this opportunity via landowners. Is it equal? No. Will it ever be equal? No. Do the poor need a way to profit? Yes. Is it in the best interest of the landowners that the poor profit? Yes. Thus, the mutual benefit which leads to the equalization in theory!
The same reasoning can be applied to educating our students. Some are more gifted than others in regard to capabilities of learning. No matter how you try to level the playing field for all you will always have those who are more gifted in the talents of learning. Spend all you want, but you will never make the playing field completely equal for all students with regards to learning. One could argue that you are actually causing more harm to the students gifted in the talents of learning than helping those not as gifted. It is not about the education as much as it is about the learning. Is learning equal? No. Will it ever be equal? No. Do the not so talented learners need a way to learn and prosper? Yes. Is it in the best interest of the gifted learners that all benefit from learning? Yes. Is it possible the less gifted can draw from the talents of the more gifted? The possibility exist. Thus, the mutual benefit which leads to the equalization in theory!
Can one consider the health care issue under the same theory? Yes. Can one consider the issue of Cap and Trade under the theory? Yes. Can one consider the issue of immigration under the theory? Yes.
One has to determine if the theory is provable.
It was once said that "the wealth of the poor has been sacrificed to that of the rich." One has to analyze and formulate his own opinion as to what is rich. It seems as if the rich are the only ones who own land, and this makes everyone else seem poor. However, is this really the case? Most likely not. The next question you have to consider "is it more profitable for the poor to work for the rich than for the poor to own plots of land"? The poor most likely do profit more from the rich land owners for they have no responsibility for taxes associated with the owning of land. No one should take from this that the "interests of the poor have been set aside for those of the rich". Someone has to provide away for the poor to profit and they are given this opportunity via landowners. Is it equal? No. Will it ever be equal? No. Do the poor need a way to profit? Yes. Is it in the best interest of the landowners that the poor profit? Yes. Thus, the mutual benefit which leads to the equalization in theory!
The same reasoning can be applied to educating our students. Some are more gifted than others in regard to capabilities of learning. No matter how you try to level the playing field for all you will always have those who are more gifted in the talents of learning. Spend all you want, but you will never make the playing field completely equal for all students with regards to learning. One could argue that you are actually causing more harm to the students gifted in the talents of learning than helping those not as gifted. It is not about the education as much as it is about the learning. Is learning equal? No. Will it ever be equal? No. Do the not so talented learners need a way to learn and prosper? Yes. Is it in the best interest of the gifted learners that all benefit from learning? Yes. Is it possible the less gifted can draw from the talents of the more gifted? The possibility exist. Thus, the mutual benefit which leads to the equalization in theory!
Can one consider the health care issue under the same theory? Yes. Can one consider the issue of Cap and Trade under the theory? Yes. Can one consider the issue of immigration under the theory? Yes.
One has to determine if the theory is provable.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thought Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.)
"Thought Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) was headed in the right direction; however, the title to the article was deceiving. He really feels Congress has any and all powers to make the American people do whatever the government commands.................read on.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) could not explain what part of the Constitution grants Congress the power to force every American to buy health insurance – as all of the health care overhaul bills currently do.
Leahy, whose committee is responsible for vetting Supreme Court nominees, was asked by CNSNews.com where in the Constitution Congress is specifically granted the authority to require every American purchase health insurance. Leahy answered by saying that “nobody questions” Congress’ authority for such an action.
CNSNews.com: Where, in your opinion, does the Constitution give specific authority for Congress to give an individual mandate for health insurance?
Sen. Leahy: We have plenty of authority. Are you saying there is no authority?
CNSNews.com: I’m asking –
Sen. Leahy: Why would you say there is no authority? I mean, there’s no question there’s authority, nobody questions that.
When CNSNews.com again attempted to ask which provision of the Constitution gives Congress the authority to force Americans to purchase health insurance, Leahy compared the mandate to the government’s ability to set speed limits on interstate highways – before turning and walking away.
CNSNews.com: But, which provision –
Sen. Leahy: Where do we have the authority to set speed limits on an interstate highway? The federal government does that on federal highways."
To read the complete interview click on the link:
Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) could not explain what part of the Constitution grants Congress the power to force every American to buy health insurance – as all of the health care overhaul bills currently do.
Leahy, whose committee is responsible for vetting Supreme Court nominees, was asked by CNSNews.com where in the Constitution Congress is specifically granted the authority to require every American purchase health insurance. Leahy answered by saying that “nobody questions” Congress’ authority for such an action.
CNSNews.com: Where, in your opinion, does the Constitution give specific authority for Congress to give an individual mandate for health insurance?
Sen. Leahy: We have plenty of authority. Are you saying there is no authority?
CNSNews.com: I’m asking –
Sen. Leahy: Why would you say there is no authority? I mean, there’s no question there’s authority, nobody questions that.
When CNSNews.com again attempted to ask which provision of the Constitution gives Congress the authority to force Americans to purchase health insurance, Leahy compared the mandate to the government’s ability to set speed limits on interstate highways – before turning and walking away.
CNSNews.com: But, which provision –
Sen. Leahy: Where do we have the authority to set speed limits on an interstate highway? The federal government does that on federal highways."
To read the complete interview click on the link:
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