Friday, November 28, 2008

Financial meltdown

Late in the 18th century Mr. Ropke said it best:

"We need businessmen, farmers, and bankers who view the great questions of economic policy unprejudiced by their own immediate and short-run economic interests; trade-union leaders who realize that they share with the president of the national bank the responsibility for the country's currency, journalists who resist the temptation to flatter mass tastes or to succumb to political passions and court cheap success and instead guide public opinion with moderation, sound judgment, and a high sense of responsibility."

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Give thanks for what you have and not what you don't have. If you are reading this then you most likely are better off than many others. Most likely you have a computer, access to a computer, roof over your head, possibly food on the table, funds to pay for the Internet service, ability to get to and from a place that has a computer with Internet access you can use, etc.

Many in this world today lack having the basic needs that sustain life in a minimum form. Many have some form of disability, handicap, etc. that does not allow them such opportunities.

What is the status of your life?


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rep. Riddle is on board with some conditions

"My constituents are being taxed out of their homes because of appraisal increases, and their taxes are providing services for people who are here illegally," Riddle said. "These are two huge problems, and they must both be fixed immediately, if not sooner."

Riddle's House Bill 46 would allow counties to hold their own elections to set an appraisal rate as low as three percent, sidestepping the controversy associated with a state-wide appraisal cap. A constitutional amendment, HJR 15, was also filed for the same purpose.

"The fact is that there are members who will never vote for an appraisal cap in their district," Riddle said. "So why make them? This bill is all about democracy. It's about local control, and letting the people decide for themselves what is best." Let's understand why a State Rep. want vote for an appraisal cap - they are beholden to the monetary contributions from the Texas Association of Counties, Texas Municipal League, and the Texas Association of School Boards. Take these organizations out of the picture and a vote that favors taxpayers is not an issue. Riddle makes a good effort, but she wants to 'side step' her responsibilities as an elected State Rep.

House Bill 47, requiring voter identification at the voting booth, was also part of Riddle's initial legislative package. She said the issue has its roots in the illegal immigration debate. "There is a lot of concern that people's votes are being negated because people who are not citizens or who should not be voting for a number of other reasons are being allowed to vote," Riddle said. "It's such a simple problem to fix: prove who you are when you show up to vote!" Thought this was the reason for the Voter Card. No Card No Vote! Very Simple Solution.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hearing on Government Spending Caps

Subcommittee on Spending Limitations
11/12/08 10:18 a.m. - 12:35 p.m.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bill on property reappraisals

"Houston State Senator Dan Patrick and Representative Dwayne Bohac filed legislation today to limit the increase of property tax appraisals by requiring biennial reappraisals of homestead property." Senator Patrick and Representative Bohac are on the right track; however, this legislation needs to address more than just homestead property. Include all property.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Consumption Tax v. Property Tax

"Transferring the burden of funding schools from a property tax to a consumer tax is an attainable and worthy endeavor that will strengthen our economy by placing the burden of funding education on those that can afford it." Representative King is going to try again in this Legislative session, and we all need to help make this happen. The process is very simple:

1) Draft a letter in support of the proposal.
2) Go for the fax number of every state representative
3) Fax, send, etc. your letter to every state representative
4) Power is in the hands of the people who scream the loudest - SCREAM and help Rep. King

Monday, November 17, 2008

Your are not alone

The Legislature worked hard to provide property tax relief, and yet most taxpayers don’t believe they have received the 30% tax cut from school taxes. Why?

They haven’t realized the cut because school districts are increasing the tax rate…most schools took a tax increase up to the cap and now 106 districts have asked taxpayers to give them more. Half the schools asking voters to approve higher tax rates on Tuesday November 4, 2008, were REJECTED.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

One woman (or man) can make a difference

We included a blog post "Alvord Mother Proves We Can Keep ISDs Accountable” about Tracy Lodes, a mother in Alvord ISD who knew things weren’t right in her school district. She started asking questions and requesting documents and ended up banned from her daughter’s elementary school campus.

We received a comment to the online post: “This is crazy! I can't believe nobody was keeping track on this school system. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Well, friends, someone was keeping track – that mother who wasn’t going to let the superintendent bully her. That superintendent has stepped down, thanks to Tracy’s tenacity. It just takes one committed person to make a difference.

From the folks at AFP.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

School district finds funds after audit

We commend the Austin Independent School District (AISD) for requesting an audit to find savings – and savings they did find. The savings could be as much as $3 million by 2010. The savings were found in only three areas of the budget – food service, computer software use and janitorial services.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rejected bond and tax rate increases


Friday, November 7, 2008

Comptroller announces reorganization

Comptroller Susan Combs announces a reorganization of the Property Tax Division. Click the link to read the release.

Continued efforts make for change in taxpayers favor. Keep applying the pressure. The powers that be are finally starting to get it. Changes in the PVS are coming and this should help local property taxpayers.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Congrats go out to all the newly elected local officials. Taxpayers are watching and expectations are high.

On the national scene we are floating in uncharted waters. Hope is the theme!

Spirits and school boards

I completely looked over the article on the front page of the local rag two weeks ago with regards to a local school board member getting a ticket for 'spirit' taking from an open container on school grounds. Guess he was preparing for the upcoming Halloween season a little early.

One has to ask is this the kind of example you want from your elected leadership? Each individual will have to come to their own conclusion after careful thought .

Wonder if this is the reason for Twilight Supers bad management decisions! Oh well we will have to discuss bad decisions in a later post.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Quote fitting for the times

Always vote your principles, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. - John Adams

Another fine example

Humble ISD Begging for More Money
Submitted by dgreer on Tue, 10/28/2008 - 11:10am.

It is aggravating when superintendents ask for more money because they are operating with a deficit but it’s infuriating when they ask for it while operating with a surplus!

That is the name of the game in Humble ISD where Superintendent Dr. Guy Sconzo is
begging tax payers to approve a 13 cent tax hike on November 22. He complains that what we have in Texas is an “inequitable” system of funding schools when what we really have is an inequitable system of running schools.

HISD’s fund balance in 2000 was 6 million; today the coffers are filled to the brim at more than 23 million. And voters are supposed to buy a tax increase?

From 2002 to 2007 the average increase in both students and teachers was 5%. Over the same 5 years total expenditures skyrocketed an average of 18% each year. That increase increase in spending did not make its way to the class room where spending has also been holding steady at 5%.

In 2002 HISD boasted a recognized ranking with an almost 90% passing rate on the TAAS test. Now it is rated acceptable, though a 74% passing rate on today’s TAKS can hardly be stomached as acceptable.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

1st Sgt Hedges has asked me to share with all

Jesus had no servants, yet they called Him Master.
Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher.
Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer.
Had no army, yet kings feared Him.
He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.
He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
Feel honored to serve such a Leader who loves us.
If you believe in God and in Jesus Christ His Son send this to all on yourBuddy list and if not just ignore.
In the Bible, Jesus says...'If you deny me Before man, I will deny you before my Father in Heaven.'

Larry T. Hedges 1st Sgt U.S. Marine Corps Retired